
Jun 18 at 07:26 PM

Jessica Gallagher I am with you! Marnie I would love to learn more about this and any resources/books/documentaries/articles/newsletters you read!! If there are any you highly recommend or have found particularly helpful/enlightening. Thank you!!

Jun 17 at 07:17 AM

Awesome playlist and loved the different sequences. Lindsey was spot on below - the booty work at the end with the ball was KILLER (love the new work with it!), ab work was fantastic with that combo and  the ball work. Beginning is fun and jumpy, and the combo at the barre combines both legs and booty to create all of the fire! Thank you Marnie for a fantastic class. The meditation at the end stuck with me - both dispelling the myth of separation and reminding us of the truth of the collective, and telling us through the most beautiful rainbow metaphor about how ALL of the colors combine to create the light :)


Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Jun 14 at 12:57 PM

I see why I favorited this one in 2023! Loved coming back to the fiery combos and challenging balance work! The full body felt worked, but the core especially, and I left feeling strengthened, lengthened, and supported. Thank you Marnie & team!

Jun 13 at 09:17 AM

Back to this one for the first time in awhile and what a lovely floor series! I enjoyed the booty work, but the real killer (in the best way) for me was this ab move in the middle. Definitely going to come back to this one to grow!!

Jun 12 at 06:29 AM

Straight fire!! Marnie works her magic yet again. I really felt this one in the arms, but also the legs! Love the dynamic working the smaller muscles and seeing her shaking gives me that much more inspiration to stay in the fire! Thank you for the shoutout even though I wasn't there!

Jun 10 at 06:36 AM

I loved the different warmup at the beginning! Some brief cardio bursts with lots of low to high squats & kicks; love the arm work with 5 lbs, and booty work with balas! Focused on engaging my core and left feeling open and refreshed. A love letter to the whole body! Plus the hips on the ball was so fun and new!


Jun 04 at 12:35 PM

AWESOME no equipment full body flow. Wowzer, the sweat was flowing! I loved the variations on the signature moves and how the built on one another. Completely agree with all of the other comments - intense, in the best way! Definitely coming back to this again to challenge myself and watch how I grow!

May 31 at 05:57 AM

Did this again after my body has been off for a few days and it was exactly what I needed. Awesome music and a focus throughout on breath. Finally allowed myself to ground into this slower flow instead of feeling like I should be doing a higher intensity workout and it felt so. good. My nervous system feels more regulated and I'm calmer, ready to hopefully move through the day with this energy. Thank you Marnie ❤️

Commented on M/<45 TOWEL DANCE /160

May 29 at 06:30 AM

SWEATY activating workout. LOTS of cardio interlaced throughout, and it was fun to play with signature moves with the addition of a towel to see what different parts of the body are activated. The meditation at the end hit home - what a beautiful affirmation meditation I will definitely be coming back to!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /177

May 28 at 08:31 AM

JOYFUL signature. Cardio got the blood pumping quickly and definitely brought the sweat. Tucks interlaced throughout alongside work with the ball that activated the hamstrings and stretched the hips. Powerful ab series with the ball and lovely hip tucks to end. Playlist was awesome, and the words at the end were exactly what I needed to hear: what is an anchor vs what is a root? what have you not let go of to make space for what is to come?