
Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /390

Jul 15 at 06:44 AM

Sweatyy!! Different cardio dance at the beginning, which I enjoyed. The series on the ball was challenging, so it's something I need to come back to to lean into the fire more (it sometimes goes into my knee more than my thigh). LOVED the abs series at the end because the slower pace allowed me to really connect. Fair amount of side oblique moves integrated throughout which were exactly what I needed. Finally... Tiggy!! What a sweet girl!! Thank you for sharing her with us! 😍


Jul 12 at 08:56 AM

Loved this one!! Great hip stretches, cardio & sweat! The playlist was FIRE and I was grinning at so many different points! Can't wait to come back to this one!


Jul 10 at 06:34 AM

Loved this low-impact, intentional glider class!! I was admittedly a bit nervous to try it, but I enjoyed the challenge and moments of leaning into the fire. It has lots of GLORIOUS hip openers and balances, and this inner ballerina grinned at the changements in the beginning. The ending chat pierced my soul ❤️ Thank you Marnie & fam for continually pushing against/out the societal bs and bringing in acceptance, connection, and the continual reminder to tune inward, to feel the energy, to be in the light. 

Jun 27 at 07:24 AM

So happy you're back!!

Jun 27 at 07:22 AM

This class should be called 4 sets of 8!! Currently recovering from a neck tweak, so I moved more to my own pace, which was freeing. Marnie brings the sweat from anaerobic motions. The fire builds fast particularly at the barre!! Definitely coming back to this one!

Jun 25 at 09:12 AM

Fabulous inner thigh class!! Loved the different warmup, wide second work and inner thigh lifts on the side. The ending with the ball really sealed the deal (hello inner thighs!!). Definitely going to come back to this again for inner thigh strengthening!

Jun 24 at 06:49 AM

Lovely signature with some fun different variations, including the pushup/plank series! I enjoyed the stretches integrated throughout and focused on enjoying the feeling of fire. Thank you for the Albert quote, which reminds me of my inner strength, and this quote in the middle, reminding me to come back to my body again and again: "The world's gonna tell you a lot of shit, a lot of stuff you're supposed to do. Some of it will be right for you, most of it won't. Your body knows. We listen."

Jun 21 at 06:51 AM

What a lovely class! One of my favorite parts was the fairy jumps and the wide second at the end had me shaking but I didn't come out of the fire!! Here's to growth and feeling. The quote at the beginning also struck home: "Nothing hurts by itself, nothing heals by itself. It is all interconnected." Thank you Marnie for that essential truth ❤️


Jun 20 at 05:40 AM

Monique I love this - "At least I got back up each time." Just did this one this morning, and I feel the same way: dropped in some places where I probably didn't need to, so I want to come back to it to challenge myself to live in the feeling of connection! Growth!!

Jun 19 at 07:49 AM

What a FABULOUS workout! Sweatyyyyy!! I really loved the different combos, especially the standing lunges and lifts with the weights, which get your heart rate up without the cardio! The booty work with the ball and abs was lovely as well because it integrated smaller movements with larger ones that stretched the hips. Thank you Marnie for working your magic. I'll definitely be coming back to this one!