
Aug 07 at 12:03 PM

Wow I have never heard of black raspberries, they sound great. I think I need to come to Minnesota and forage some of these delicious things you describe! It is really interesting to know what grows wild where, thank you

Aug 07 at 11:59 AM

Thanks Emily, I didn't know they grew in California. So glad you also enjoyed picking them!


Aug 07 at 01:57 AM

Hi everyone! I live in the UK and here it is the beginning of the blackberry picking season. I am lucky to live on the outskirts of a city, near some countryside and I walk there in all seasons. I think now is my favourite time of the year however, because I can pick blackberries in the wild! I absolutely adore them. I am really interested to know which fruits grow in the wild where you live and what you like picking/eating/growing - as we live in so many different countries I thought it would be great to find out what you can forage for! Xx


Commented on Surgery Recovery

Aug 06 at 12:05 PM

Sorry to hear that, I hope that you can recover from this and any future procedures quickly and long term feel much better overall.

Commented on Sleepy pup

Aug 03 at 01:47 AM

*Marnie's (autocorrect keeps changing it!)

Commented on Sleepy pup

Aug 03 at 01:47 AM

It looks like Henry is pointing his toes! Whilst napping he is obviously absorbing Marie's guidance ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Commented on New here

Aug 03 at 01:45 AM

Welcome Cat!

Commented on The mat take over.

Aug 01 at 01:29 AM

So cute! I don't have a pet at the moment, hopefully in the future I can have one and they can join me on the mat. Enjoy your workouts with Garbanzo!

Jul 13 at 02:59 AM

Don't think I can make it this October to a retreat but it is definitely something I would be interested in for the future. Especially if in the UK!! I am sure people will enjoy it this October, wherever you choose as the destination

Jun 02 at 11:07 PM

Thank you for this. I have been ill for a few months and unable to do any MBody classes. This is my first one back and I thought from the name of the class that it sounded right for me. It was just as Marnie says, an incredibly kind flow and just what I needed to get back into it and have a good stretch.