
Aug 24 at 12:31 PM

Wow a plumcot sounds fabulous!!!

Aug 24 at 12:31 PM

I love to roast them in the oven, I cut them into small and long shapes, like thick chips/fries and then toss them in olive oil, salt and sometimes some cayenne pepper or paprika. Then put them on a tray into the oven at about gas mark 6 or 7 in the uk (I am not sure of electric oven heat sorry) and occasionally turn them over so they don't stick. They take 30-40 mins usually and are delicious!!

Aug 24 at 04:58 AM

I have never seen mandarin oranges called cuties before, I love this name!!

Aug 24 at 04:57 AM

I agree that peaches are delicious and I also love nectarines and raapberries and blackberries. I recently got into grapefruit which I used to hate. For veg I like brocoli but I also love root veg like parsnips and turnips too. Enjoy trying something new!

Aug 10 at 07:35 AM

How lovely, a peach tree. Peaches are delicious and I hope you can harvest some next time before the squirrels. Can you put a net over the tree? I have a cherry tree in a pot and had to put a net over it to stop the pigeons eating everything. They still got the ones on the outer edges of the tree but we managed to get some from the middle

Aug 10 at 07:33 AM

Blueberries in the wild!! Wow! Enjoy the jam and the blueberry pie, I have never had blueberry pie but it sounds amazing. I like apple pie in autumn with custard

Commented on Toxic parent anyone?

Aug 10 at 05:06 AM

Hi Nicole, it takes courage to share what you have shared. Often it is the hardest part to admit to something or see a situation or people in a different light and come to a realisation. But with this realisation it is like something falls away from your eyes and you can see things clearer going forward. You can use the same courage to help you. I am blown away by the support and advice everyone has shared here for you, so heartfelt and I hope it has helped you x

Commented on Gaga

Aug 10 at 04:59 AM

I would love that!!! Great suggestion

Commented on PLAY

Aug 08 at 12:21 PM

That's great! Seeing your post has reminded me how much I used to roller skate as a child and how much fun it was. Keep on skating!

Aug 07 at 12:05 PM

Thank you! They are delicious for breakfast with yoghurt or porridge. I tried to add some photos to the post but it didn't work for some reason-it is my first time creating a post and I am not great with technology haha but maybe in the future I will work it out.