Miranda M

Mar 13 at 05:07 PM

It really is amazing

Commented on 3/12 LIVE

Mar 13 at 11:34 AM

Amazing! Marnie is coming on vacation with me tomorrow!

Mar 12 at 05:28 PM

Mar 12 at 12:02 PM

I hit post too soon - I wanted to note that this valley has a Mediterranean like climate and many amazing wineries - which is very unique to Canada. It’s an amazing place to live and wanted to share some of the history :)

Commented on Where are you from?

Mar 12 at 11:59 AM

I currently live on the traditional and unceded territory of the Tl’lulpalus and Hul'q’umi'num people - what is know known as Cowichan Bay, British Columbia. It is a small sea side village in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island. The Cowichan Valley is known as The Warm Land, from the Coast Salish First Nations, who named this area Quw’utsun’ or Cowichan, meaning “land warmed by the sun.’’ I am so grateful to live as a guest on these beautiful lands -


Mar 11 at 09:33 PM

Wow - did I ever have a long day. 10 hour work day and one hour commute home. Walked the dog, fed the dog, fed the child, put the child to bed. I didn’t get to work out until 9pm. I am not going to lie, there were moments that I wanted to lie down under the piano bench with the dog, but I did it! And will be back on the mat in 12.5 hours to see you all at the live! Happy Friday to everyone and happy last day of work before a week off to me!


Mar 11 at 07:25 PM

*Independent women. My fingers got too excited!

Mar 11 at 07:23 PM

I would die if you played “I am King” by Florence and the Machine. Or anything by them really.

Mar 11 at 07:22 PM

I so echo this. Beyoncé all day. Also - Indeoendent Women by DC would be fun!

Commented on Mini dance partner!

Mar 11 at 07:21 PM

So adorable!!! I love this