Miranda M

Apr 01 at 06:01 PM

I am feeling this! They used to scare me, but now I am embracing them :)

Commented on Wrung out!!

Mar 31 at 08:27 PM

I loved this one so much!! That Beyoncé moment was everything. Followed closely by the Janet Jackson moment. Oh, and the Fugees. It was just all so good. My hips are not the happiest with me, but they are a work in progress.

Replied on Day 24 - Clutter

Mar 30 at 09:41 PM


Commented on Hit a wall

Mar 30 at 09:03 PM

Thank you fam. I feel sooo much better today! Back to it - loved the chair dance. I did it in my dad’s kitchen 😂

Commented on Day 25

Mar 30 at 06:41 AM

Oh the same thing happened to me yesterday. I had to take a rest day. It is really just the first day or two that are challenging for me - I am learning to listen to my body and rest if I need it.

Commented on Super Power

Mar 29 at 09:03 PM

So beautiful!


Mar 29 at 09:03 PM

I have a very busy week at work and have to be away from home 3/5 days. I felt so overwhelmed and exhausted by it all, I took some time to myself and rested after work instead of making dinner and working out. I was so looking forward to doing the phenomenal woman workout today, but just had to listen to my body and rest. I am very thankful we have a rest day on Sunday - going to use that day to catch up. Listening to my body is something I am still learning how to do - it is not my superpower (yet!) but working on it :)


Mar 29 at 08:16 AM



Mar 28 at 08:36 PM

This photo goes with the post below (it disappeared on me!)


Commented on Day 24 - Clutter

Mar 28 at 08:36 PM

Oh no where did my photo go? Reposting!