Miranda M

Apr 18 at 08:18 PM

Welcome back! Glad you are feeling better!

Replied on New Rhythm

Apr 18 at 08:17 PM

Ah! This just posted on my before I could edit! What is wrong with my thumbs? I am feeling like I am getting into a whole new rhythm in life here. We will adapt and find ways to do what is best for us. :)

Commented on New Rhythm

Apr 18 at 08:15 PM

I can so relate to this! I have also worked at home for the last two years and am now back in the office (plus a commute and away from home a few nights a week). I have gotten used to doing it after my daughter goes to bed around 8:30. Even though it is late and I often feel like I am too tired - I push myself to do it and always feel amazing after. There have been a few days where I was just too tired and had to give myself a break. to listen to my body

Commented on Change of Goals!

Apr 18 at 04:16 PM

Thanks for sharing Becca. I find it so much more challenging to let go and honour what my body needs. I totally relate to this! 45 days when you have fought two (?!) illnesses and an injury is heroic. Sending you healing vibes! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /181

Apr 17 at 09:56 PM

I love this one so much! I used to be afraid of the 60 minute workouts, now I embrace them. The challenge has really built up my endurance and strength in incredible ways. Four months ago I wouldn't be able to get through this. Now I am doing every jump, holding my planks longer, and getting closer to the floor with my push ups. Just amazing!

Commented on Super Emcouraging

Apr 16 at 09:52 AM

So amazing! I have a similar experience with my hip - I was doing weekly PT and was in so much pain. I havenโ€™t been back since December! #marniemagic

Apr 16 at 09:30 AM

Yes - 100% same for me! That was also the one that my dear friend Hillory joined for her first live! I also loved Signature 93 so much. And phenomenal woman, of course. So hard to choose!


Apr 13 at 08:05 PM

Away from home this week for work and missing my little workout buddy (notice the ball in the background!).


Commented on Tendinitis Sucks!

Apr 13 at 06:57 AM

So sorry to hear this! I have chronic pain in my right hip - it comes and goes. It was so bad in the fall - I went to PT and had dry needling done. I went once a week for about 6 weeks and I havenโ€™t had any pain since. I hope it helps for you too! I have to modify some things, but have really built strength back up in my hip. Listen to your body. You will get there!

Commented on 5 Great Things

Apr 11 at 01:29 PM

Love this! I have 2 degrees in anthropology!!