Miranda M

Jan 26 at 11:36 AM

So glad you got a diagnosis and meds. I am also sittting on the couch wrapped up in blankets and watching trashy TV in the middle of the day - pure luxury and we deserve it :)

Jan 26 at 11:34 AM

Absolutely! It is still a good hit of hydration!

Jan 26 at 06:28 AM

Oh no! So sorry Emily. I hope all goes well today - please keep us updated!

Jan 25 at 08:28 PM

Buying a house is so stressful! But it will all pay off in the end. Grad school is also stressful - been there! Hang in there :)

Jan 25 at 08:27 PM

Sending love Logan. That sounds tough. You have lots of support here - never hesitate to reach out!

Commented on Mid week check in!

Jan 25 at 08:24 PM

Sounds like it has been quite a week for many of us! I am recovering from anaphylaxis, epinephrine and an ambulance trip to the ED this weekend. Feeling very fortunate to have access to life saving medication and for public health care. Also fortunate for my husband for saving my life and taking care of me! I am slowly on the mend - desperate to get back to the mat, but being mindful of pushing myself too fast. Hoping by tomorrow I can start some gentle movement. Thanks to so many of the fam for getting me through a tough time on Saturday night!

Commented on Birthday Workout

Jan 25 at 01:20 PM

Happy Birthday!!

Jan 21 at 09:26 AM

Sending love Melissa. I totally feel you. I like what Megan said - you are so much more than your job! And we are all here to lift you up. I hope you get some time to rest and rejuvenate this weekend.

Jan 21 at 09:22 AM

Jan 17 at 06:50 PM

Welcome back!