Emily Parker

Commented on In the light

Oct 21 at 01:41 PM

So beautiful!
So much joy!

Commented on Back on the mat

Oct 20 at 05:15 PM

Yay! Beautiful you and beautiful baby! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™Œ

Oct 20 at 05:13 PM

Praying for you. I agree with Daniela about imagining the universe or a saint ot an angel with you giving you strength and protection -let us know how it goes. โค๏ธ

Oct 19 at 02:40 PM

So much love and support to you. Your daughter is beautiful. She is lucky to have a strong momma like you. โค๏ธ
Beautiful words! I agree this is the best place in the world. The itโ€™s okay to stumble and fall is a truth that stuck out to me yesterday when Marnie was talking about babies falling and trying again so they can learn. As a parent I feel like I stumble and fall a lot - apologizing, asking for forgiveness and grace, trying ti say and do things differently the next timeโ€ฆItโ€™s so good to be growing with you all!

Replied on Stay true to you!

Oct 18 at 07:32 PM

Me too! The sculpture is at a local park. ๐Ÿ™‚

Commented on Thankful

Oct 18 at 07:31 PM

You are in my prayers. A big hug to you, sweet Lauren.

Commented on Excited

Oct 18 at 07:29 PM

So glad you are feeling stronger!

Oct 18 at 07:04 PM

Cool photo!