Emily Parker

Commented on Mantra

Dec 04 at 09:43 AM

Me too!

Commented on Fave Marnie Mantra

Dec 04 at 09:43 AM

Yes. I love this one too.

Replied on Checking in!

Dec 02 at 06:57 PM

Finally emerging from it all…So glad to get out for an autumn walk today. Hope your kids are feeling better too.

Commented on Checking in!

Dec 01 at 07:31 PM

Sending so much love and understanding. We had COVID over Thanksgiving and it is so hard to take care of everyone and yourself besides. Big hug.

Nov 29 at 05:20 PM

Love it!

Nov 22 at 05:57 PM

Sending you love and light. You are worthy of respect, truth, and kindness. I agree with Jessica, you are a warrior!

Nov 22 at 05:49 PM

I’m not sure about the timing of the next challenge, but I’m chiming in to say, “Welcome!” 🙌

Commented on Thanks, fam!

Nov 21 at 12:06 PM

Sending so much love and support to you. My heart is broken for all impacted by the shooting. I work in youth mental health, so probably still too heavy and hard for a change for you…❤️

Nov 14 at 07:09 AM

Yay for Christmas!
You and your cat look so happy! I like your cozy house too. 🫶🏻