December 29, 2022

Hi fam! I normally don't post on here too often, but I was feeling inspired today so I wanted to share. I just did M/93 for the first time in awhile, and I felt really moved by Marnie's opening words: how we often look forward as a group, but how important it is to reflect on the past and how far we've come since we began our M/Body journey. It seems to me that the longer I do M/Body (it's been a little over two years now) the harder it seems to get, but that's not a bad thing: it's because I've connected deeper and deeper with my body over time. I never used to feel my abs in tucks, for example, and now I FEEL them the second a workout starts. Sometimes it's almost frustrating--the classes used to seem easier, somehow!--but looking at what my body can do now compared to what it used to before M/Body is incredible. I'm not only so much stronger AND more flexible, but I can activate and engage my muscles in ways that I literally, physically couldn't before. I felt really grateful today to have rediscovered an old class that suddenly seemed to have new "challenges," but those challenges wouldn't have been possible without all of the work put into the classes that came before it. Just wanted to share in case this helps inspire anyone who ever feels frustrated with themselves for ANY reason to give themselves a break :) The journey IS the destination, and sometimes the challenges are actually a testament to how far we've all come and how much farther we can all go.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful end of their 2022 and a great new year ahead. Cheers to 2023 and all of the exciting new journeys to come!