Meredith Koon


May 20 at 11:02 AM

Does anyone know what sort of stretches to do for a pulled hamstring? I'm onto week 3 :(



Apr 01 at 10:03 AM

Hi M/Body Fam!ย 

Question for Marnie... night, when the kiddos are in bed, I always end up on the living room floor stretching and doing some sun salutations... however, I'm not warmed up and the stretching isn't nearly as beneficial.

Do you have any suggestion on a "full body warm up on the floor" version of warming up the body before stretching?

Thank you!!!

Meredith Koon


Mar 20 at 04:03 AM

Hey M/Body Fam! This one is for Marnie.. Any food for thought on supplements for rickety joints? Fish oil? CLA? My Dr. has told me I have "loose joints" plus I'm a clutz, so I'm always tripping, over extending, torquing my knee, etc. Sorry for the atrocious spelling, the coffee is still setting in!

See you all on the mat! -Meredith