Lindsey J

Commented on Added Challenge…

Apr 18 at 06:41 AM

You are both adorable!! Mine is also Eli, and also prone to quiz me about Pokémon randomly lol Mine will be 8yo next week, yours?

Apr 17 at 04:35 PM

This is so amazing, could do it daily. Thank you Marnie!

Apr 17 at 04:34 PM

Me neither!! I just remember feeling so energized and happy and a part of something big. I am relatively new too! Joined in July. So happy to be doing this with you. Your words are always so thoughtful and kind.

Apr 17 at 12:26 PM

I love this challenge you are giving yourself and the way you are working on it. Cover your desk in post its! I love that class too 😊

Commented on I did it!

Apr 17 at 12:25 PM

Yay!! 🥳

Apr 16 at 09:41 AM

Lol same!! I love those classes!


Apr 16 at 09:25 AM

I am making myself choose just one, not easy!! For me it was the <45 Detox Sweat Live. The energy and love from that live class with the videos 🥺 So thankful fam!

How about you??


Replied on Super Emcouraging

Apr 16 at 09:17 AM


Commented on Super Emcouraging

Apr 16 at 05:28 AM

So glad you are feeling better with the focused M/BODY and chiro work. I couldn’t agree more with your doctor that this type of work strengthens and increases mobility. I had 2years of weekly chiro and PT after a running related injury that started at my ankle and systematically went up to my hip and low back. I stopped running and started M/BODY and have only needed one mild adjustment since. Pain free every day. It is amazing isn’t it?

Commented on Workout buddy

Apr 14 at 07:46 AM

Omg Miranda!! He/she couldn’t be sweeter!