Lindsey J

Dec 05 at 03:21 PM

I love it Mary-Ellen Romano Faith Kelly Molly Mandell Heather Cockburn Julia Kean Emily Jeffers and Debora Watkins !!

You are all motivating me too, and I need the sisterhood right now. Holiday sweat time fun



Dec 04 at 01:50 PM

Perfect, 3 weekends before Christmas and 3 longer classes. Have fun!!


Dec 04 at 09:16 AM

You made me lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ love youuu

Dec 04 at 09:16 AM

Me too Megan!! I thought of you throughout the class. Ballet bliss and side planks ๐Ÿคฉ Sending love to you!

Dec 04 at 09:15 AM

I absolutely LOVED this class! Cardio fun (I may have rewound to repeat and get my fill of bouncing joy ๐Ÿคฉ) and ballet magic infused into true balance work. I loved all the brain work and the new floor moves. Such a light and grounding class. Thank you!!

Dec 03 at 10:57 AM

Did you try taking the weights off? It definitely adds another level to leg lifts and the strain you are feeling. When I feel that I put all my efforts into engaging the surround muscles- core and glutes so they help the hip flexors more


Dec 03 at 06:44 AM

Holiday Feels classes! I had to do it as your community theme girl. Hi, itโ€™s me again.
Anyone up for a mini self challenge and knock them all out before Christmas? Or maybe visit one on a decision fatigue day if thatโ€™s where youโ€™re at.
Iโ€™m not quite in the spirit yet myself, but pulled the classes on a playlist to hopefully get my future self more in the mood with these energy classes. 152 is a fave with a fabulous joy filled TSwift cardio dance series along with Mariah Carey because, have to.


Dec 02 at 09:54 AM

Tanisha!! This is such a genuine gratitude filled message. Happiest birthday you sweet sunshine soul. I feel extra fortunate to be a part of your tribe, sending love ๐Ÿ’›


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Dec 02 at 07:12 AM

Sending love to you and your daughter Cathy. I am nowhere near Denver but hope so much you find a solution so she can be with you.

Dec 02 at 05:00 AM

Amazing Lisa! Such an uplifting and inspiring way to bring joy (and hard work and all the feelings) to your life. Thank you for sharing this sweet work you do
