Lindsey J

Jun 22 at 09:01 AM

😂 have a great time Eddy!! I hope you adjust quickly mama. Mine (non fur) starts his rotation of summer and sports camps next week too


Jun 16 at 04:16 PM

It was SO freaking good!! Happiest Birthday to you!!


Jun 16 at 02:06 PM

This class!!! Absolute gold 🤩 I have been craving cardio and faster pace after sculpt and weight classes. I always appreciate novelty and brain engagement for choreo sequencing. Every single series in this class delivered, thank you Marnie! I’d do it again but I’m not sure what will be more sore; my quads from that barre work, my deltoids from the plank series, or my hamstrings from those brand new ball behind the knees glute bridges. Gold 🤩


Jun 09 at 05:35 AM

This is a wide second leg shaking, shoulder strength harnessing, power shot of a class.

Jun 09 at 04:39 AM

Me too Amanda! I think of laser elbows every time we get on all fours in class now 😆

Jun 09 at 04:37 AM

If you have a few minutes before taking this class, go to End of Class Chat min 51 and 58, Marnie gives some excellent pointers for nailing form for a brand new move/series where the ball is placed under the pelvis that she incorporates in this class.

Jun 08 at 05:48 AM

I missed this message from yesterday Chantale Desjardins !

Highlight classes from my week were Chair Dance 322, Slow Sculpt 345, and the amazing Sig FB Flow 380 from last Saturday (I’m about to revisit again this morning!). I highly recommend all 3!!

If you’re looking for quick class inspiration and recs feel free to go to the IG group chat and we’ve got you there as well! 🙌🥰


Jun 05 at 05:32 PM

Yes Costanza !! I second that!

I repeat the 20 min ab classes over and over. I love them and would love a fresh one!


Jun 05 at 07:30 AM

Absolutely loved this!!


Jun 04 at 03:58 PM

Hi Megan! There are gems in every meditation, no matter the class you do you can’t go wrong. Point and click, FF to the end and hit play. It will speak to you. No matter what it is or where you are at.

Today I randomly chose class 361 and mediation included series of box breaths and a focus on gratitude, unconditional acceptance, and curiosity. It allowed me to tune in and left me so calm 🤍