Rebecca H

Feb 13 at 01:14 PM

Beautiful class! I particularly liked the new-to-me flow at 20:30. One question, Marnie Alton, you said that the whole class could be done standing? What is the adjustment for the rolling sautes/pushup series?

Commented on M/<30 BARRE + ARMS

Feb 09 at 08:51 PM

Curious why the little circles at 7:08 are still so hard for me (and don't feel good in my neck even if I lower my arms significantly) - none of the other arm movements here feel this way for me!

Jan 15 at 10:14 PM

Perfect bedtime practice! Love some of the new-to-me flows on the floor, and also really appreciate that the first half is all standing.


Nov 02 at 06:25 PM

Incredible class. Loved getting to see LP do the exercises while Marnie gave such specific focused guidance and feedback.



Nov 01 at 11:30 AM

What are your go-to classes when you are low energy or don't want to get very sweaty? For me it's currently Barre+Arms/92, Shoulders+Back/285, and Ballet Stretch/350. Would love to hear yours!


Commented on M/<20 ARM DANCE /326

Oct 28 at 01:01 PM

Marnie Alton  I found it very uncomfortable to hold hand weights (I don't have wrist weights) for the arm dance starting at 7:45 - they didn't feel too heavy, more than my arm muscles and tendons just didn't feel comfortable with weights. I loved adding my weights back again for the kickback sequences.

Commented on M/<20 BARRE BURN /264

Oct 28 at 11:32 AM

Really enjoyed this one! When we start going into the curtsy lunge combo at 10:30, does our standing leg stay in parallel or go into first position Marnie Alton?

Oct 26 at 09:13 PM

One of my favorite classes - and tonight, when I was exhausted, just doing the first 6 minutes twice through (the warmup/arm dance without weights) was a perfect shoulder release. Would love a 10-15 minute version that is just the weight-free standing dance as a shoulder and neck stretch!

Oct 18 at 11:59 AM

Wow! Loved this. Mostly used a 10lb weight throughout. I modified the floor abs by doing the move from 13:00 while kneeling, because I've been advised to avoid crunchy back stuff. Is there a better modification to do at this point Marnie Alton?


Commented on M/<20 ARMS /85

Oct 17 at 09:24 AM

Celebrating 1 year of M/Body this week! I love this short but powerful arm workout. All standing, great warmup!