Lindsey J

Mar 07 at 02:32 PM

Yesss Alyssa Klein love this

Mar 07 at 10:39 AM


Balance. Strength and softness, power and grace, challenge and ease. Fire and Water.

Mar 04 at 02:42 PM

I absolutely loved this class!!

Mar 02 at 06:31 AM

Brianne..thank you for sharing your truth. One of the hardest things is allowing ourselves to feel the depth of our emotions, and the other hardest thing is allowing ourselves to be vulnerable by sharing them with others. You’ve done both of these things. You are never alone with the intensity of that as a result. We’re here, we relate, we understand, and we collectively are inspired by your honesty; I can say this because it can be nothing but that for anyone reading this. Sharing allows others in and gives others permission to reflect and do the same. Thank you sweet girl. Sending love and strength 💛


Feb 18 at 05:26 PM

I am thinking we are due for a XXX?!! 💃 🔥


Feb 14 at 02:53 PM

So lovely, thank you!

Feb 09 at 04:52 PM

Faith Kelly aww sweet girl, thank you!!


Feb 09 at 04:50 PM

I meant to add that generally the recommendation for a snack before an early workout is a balance of carbs and protein. Banana and pb, a few dates and pb. Something easily digested so your body can access the fuel and nutrients for energy and you don’t feel weighed down and crampy.

Feb 09 at 04:48 PM

Hi Fanni! I would recommend experimenting with different things to see how YOU feel. There is no formula (boo to that!) as we are all individuals and each day our bodies are different and have varying needs. Water is always a must before a workout, for any human I’d say as there is nothing like dehydration to make you feel fatigue. But the other things - whether to have a snack, sip some coffee or tea is based on your body. And some bodies don’t need early morning food and some do (mine often does). Some are prone to stomach cramps or nausea and some this happens with food, and some if they don’t have food. For me, some days I have a small snack at 5:30 am (my instincts say it will help with energy, and it does, especially if I had a smaller amount of food the night before) and some days I don’t. Most days I have a small amount of coffee before an early morning workout (like a few shots worth of cold coffee I make and keep in the fridge ready to go with creamer already mixed in).

Feb 04 at 03:01 PM

Hi Jenna! That’s the best feeling! I imagine it’s especially amazing when you’re dealing with chronic pain and other symptoms.

I’m not sure if you are new or just posting for the first time (if you are new welcome! If you’re not, hi!), but in general the healing hips classes may help on those days you are seeking hip/pelvic area relief and supportive movement. They are gentle, calming, and also energizing in the calming if that makes sense? Wishing you classes that bring you relief!