
Budapest, Hungary

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /409

Sep 19 at 12:51 PM

I really loved this class! The new combos were amazing for switching off the daily tasks and just be in the moment. It has a slower pace so it's just perfect for an evening workout. It is a sculpty meditation -- my inner thighs and glutes woke up after a long day of sitting. Thank you so much, Marnie!


Apr 22 at 12:14 PM

Thanks to the challenge I returned to this long forgotten masterpiece created by a mastermind. It is so grounded -- made me reflect on our Earth and Jane Goodall's impact and how lucky we are to be present in this beautiful world. Sending love to all the challengers who revisit this class today! Be in the light!


Apr 21 at 07:16 AM

Holy moly, indeed! What a complex, compact, balanced signature class!!! I enjoyed the fast paced jumpy cardio and weight section, and it felt so great to transition into a more of an elongated ballet flow. The structure was unique and I really appreciated the work that Marnie put into it while creating this choreography. The nuggets of wisdom and the playlist both hit home big time. I think I completed it with a 70% energy level -- would LOVE to do this class IRL with the fam. What a party that would be!!!

Apr 17 at 12:03 PM

I felt like this class was designed for me to calm my ever spinning mind! It was like looking into a mirror and seing my true self for a minute. It has brought me home into myself. So calming and energizing and reassuring. I think I managed to released some emotions. 


Apr 15 at 01:31 PM

This is probably my fave grounded class so far. Usually, I tend to avoid them a little bit, because they are the most challenging for me. But this one felt super empowering, and I loved the flow and how stretchy it felt. So rejuvenating. And the final stretch flow was phenomenal and cathartic. It never gets boring, always brings so many colors and creativity into my life. What a Monday, and what a beautiful way to kick the 30 day challenge. I couldn't be more thankful for you Marnie.

Apr 10 at 09:54 PM

That would be a dream!


Commented on M/<30 ARM DANCE /360

Mar 14 at 01:05 PM

One of the best arm workouts!!! I can't put into words how great this felt. I'm saving it for days when I feel tired. Marnie, you are a genius!


Feb 12 at 06:21 AM

I could do this class every single day, I am a huge Swiftie, and singing along during the whole video makes all the working out so much easier. I can even do the rolling sautés and push-ups here, how cool?! Music does wonders. Marnie's energy rocks, too, and I am just grateful that our fam has pretty much the same taste in music. That's so special. Thanks, Marnie, for playing and loving my requests and for putting together this extraordinary choreography.


Jan 28 at 10:25 AM



Jan 21 at 01:28 PM

Thank God for these lovely calming flows that I can do before bedtime. It's comforting to know that there are options for me on this platform even if I show up past 10 pm. This one is really special, like a warm blanket.