Jenna Trisko

Sartell, MN, United States

Animal lovin', grant writer.

May 31 at 03:13 PM

I cannot tell you how sorry I am for your loss. My father unexpectedly passed away this month as well. If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am happy to listen and share in this grief. Sending love and healing your way.

Feb 05 at 02:38 PM

Thanks Jessica! Hugs!

Feb 04 at 03:23 PM

Thanks Lindsey. I do love the healing hips classes too. They help with general stress and anxiety along with getting some pelvic/hip relief.

I appreciate your response.


Feb 04 at 11:39 AM

I have endometrosis and I can have days of feeling not so great with cramping, pelvic pain, bloating, and fatigue. Today, was one of those days and I was struggling to decide if a workout would diminish or exacerbate symptoms. I was looking through the catalog feeling unsure of what would be best - low impact, bouncy and energizing, targeted workout, etc. I am sure many of you have felt this way that you aren’t sure what your body is craving some days. Will this workout serve me or should I have chosen a different session? Well, I chose the new chair dance- 30 min session and it was exactly what I needed! My pelvic discomfort lessened and I felt a sense of relief throughout of my body. Don’t you just love when you choose a session that is exactly what you needed in that moment?!
I appreciate this group and the good positive energy you all exude.


Jan 05 at 05:07 PM

I love the meditations and slow stretch flows. I love the idea Anahita mentioned of incorporating music from other cultures.



Dec 22 at 08:19 AM

My kitty, Winston was captivated by Marnie during the de-stress flow session this morning.


May 01 at 05:11 PM

I LOVE the hip opening and stretch classes! :D Yes!

May 01 at 05:10 PM

Yay! Thank you!

May 01 at 06:56 AM

I appreciate everyone’s comments and suggestions. Much love to you all!


Apr 30 at 05:35 AM

I know any of Marnie’s sessions could be used to rid ourselves of stress and anxiety, but I am curious if a session could be dedicated to anxiety that focuses on moves that calm and heal the emotional center? I love the anxiety meditation Marnie offered a while back and I just thought it would be awesome to have a workout dedicated to calming the sympathetic nervous system on those days when we are feeling a bit high strung and need some movements to wind down and re-center ourselves.