Simona Eftimova

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /313

Sep 05 at 05:40 PM

This was an amazing class! So fulfilling and healing. Loved it!! And let's balance this month <3

Aug 27 at 12:39 PM

This one was just perfection! Exactly what my body after a longer break needed. I would love a 60 minute Ballet class!! <3 <3


Jul 24 at 01:35 AM

That was so much fun!! And so much healing sweat, enjoyed every part from the beginning until the end <3

Jul 04 at 07:41 AM

This class just made me smile the whole time, even when it challenged me to go through the 4 sets of 8. <3


Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /291

Jun 30 at 04:04 PM

This class was just pure joy and it went so quickly! Felt so free and safe <3

Jun 27 at 07:34 AM

This was just amazing! So good cardio, so good posture work, loved it!! <3 Wishing everyone who is doing the challenge so much fun! <3

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Jun 18 at 12:11 PM

This one was such a challenge! I will definitely be coming back to it to train my mind to stay focused and present <3.

May 24 at 06:51 AM

Omg this one is now my new favorite!! Felt so sweaty, so happy, so free - I canโ€™t describe it! Please, do more of these - exactly what I need after a long day of seating๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /35

May 16 at 07:14 AM

This one was just pure joy! The moves, the playlist, the tempo. <33

May 10 at 04:42 PM

Once I started choosing 60 minutes over shortes sessions I've noticed my fear of these longer more intense workout dissapeared and I began mastering them minute for minute. I loved this one - it was like one big dance flow <3