Fanni Byrne

Calne, United Kingdom


Feb 06 at 10:52 PM

Early M/Body G/Fam birds - what’s your tips for excercising early in the morning?
I need your help you lovely lot! I’ve always been a night owl (this didn’t change when my baby girl came along 🤣🙈) and an evening workout after work/once little girl’s in bed and before dinner has been my little routine and I’ve loved it! However,now that Lily goes to bed later (7.-7.30pm),doing a “Marnie” (as we call it on our household💗) before making dinner will result in a very late cooking session and sitting down for a meal and I feel we don’t have much of an evening left. So I’ve decided something’s gotta give! My husband and I we both decided to workout early in the morning instead! I’m on week 3-trying to get up at 5.30 am as I’m on the mat by 6 am at the latest! It’s surprisingly not as difficult as I thought but I feel I’m a bit more weak in the morning. Are there many fam members out there who are on a similar routine? Do you eat before an early morning excercise? What are you fave classes to do? I also don’t feel like a lot of bounce and mainly have been focusing on shorter classes but maybe it’s something my body will get used to! Any tips would be welcome!💗Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!lots of love xxxx


Commented on M/<30 CHAIR DANCE /348

Feb 01 at 10:54 PM

Absolutely loved this class, what a way to start a Friday morning! Because of the pace of the workout,I felt so connected to the muscles and it almost felt meditative,full focus required but in a super fun way! Thank you Marnie and team!💗


Jan 24 at 10:53 PM

Super Super fun!!!💗

Jan 08 at 11:54 AM

I’m still catching up on quite few of the December classes and OMG this has to be my new fav 20 minute class! Similar to the below reviews,the combos are longer (Love them!) and challenging for brain and body,lots of wiggles but so so energising! The hip stretch at the end feels fantastic,especially due to the way Marnie built the class up!💗thank you🥰xxx

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /338

Jan 05 at 11:18 AM

So so brilliant! I did a mix with the weights (I’m slowly transitiong back to the mat after the holidays🙈🤣) but I’ll be sure to try it with the 5 lbs next time!Thank you Marnie and team💗xoxox

Dec 20 at 01:43 PM

10 am PST or later pretty please!!!


Nov 01 at 12:20 PM

Thank you so much Marnie,this was a fab class! It’s basically a balletic flow that you can glide through! I loved every minute of it! Also loved your outfit and the pink leg warmers💗xxx

Commented on Daylight Saving

Oct 27 at 01:15 AM

Thanks so much Kady!❤️If you don’t mind me asking whereabouts are you in the UK?🌼🌼

Sep 27 at 11:57 AM

Thank you so much Marnie! This was absolutely awsome! I definitely need to come back to it though as the wiggle was real and I’ve definitely messed up a few moves! Thank you so much for talking about working on our mental strength,I’ve never though about it that way before,but it’s so true! Exercise does work on strengthening our mental strength not just the physical side! Lots of love to all! And ps thanks for uploading the videos so quickly for those who can’t make it to the live xxx


Sep 25 at 11:08 AM

What a beautiful class! Wow the relevé series with the ball was a killer and I absolutely loved it! This class just flew by and it had a real grounding feel to it. Thank you so much Marnie and team💗