Fanni Byrne

Calne, United Kingdom

Feb 06 at 05:36 AM

Absolutley adore this class! I think the ballet classes are my faves so I might be a bit biased but this is so deep and grounding in an a very focussed and gentle way💗Thank you💗xxx



Jan 31 at 02:29 AM

Hi Sweet GFam!

I started back on the mat in December after getting the sign off for having baby George, funnily enough my first class back was Marnie’s pelvic floor class,how timely,thank you ever so much! Today we just finished yesterday’s core connection class,OMG what a toughie! Cannot wait to do it again! It’s not easy getting to the mat with 2 little ones and not being able to join the lives frustrates me a little, but we will get there. As Marnie would say progress in millimetres!🥰🤩

Huge shout out to Lindsey who helped me with a list of classes to ease back into after my c-section!

So much love to you all💗


Jan 31 at 02:17 AM

OMG, just slowly getting into my core 3 months post partum and this was a litte tough number! I am really looking forward to doing it again! Thank you so much Marnie💗xoxo


Dec 12 at 02:14 AM

Hi Natania, how are you feeling? How is little Ilia? Just wanted to say that I’ve had my little boy via c-section 7 weeks ago and just started back on the mat with the latest pelvic floor class💗He’s my second baby and this time around it was a planned c-section whereas I had an emergency c-section with my little girl 2 years ago. I remember going for more core specific classes when I first started back on thr mat, starting with shorter classes and building my strenght back up. 💗

Dec 12 at 01:34 AM

Huge congratulations and welcome to the world little Stella💗


Dec 12 at 01:33 AM

Hi Kathryn, it’s nice to meet you! I’m in the UK but down in Wiltshire but we do have family up in the north east :).

Nov 28 at 03:53 AM

Thank you so much All for your kind words💙It means so much🥰xoxo


Nov 13 at 01:15 AM

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3 / 3

My new M/Body mini arrived on the 23rd of October!💙
Dear GFam, George László Byrne has arrived safe and sound and I cannot believe he’s 3 weeks old already! His big sister, Lily Mary, was really looking forward to welcoming him home and I cannot wait to be back on the mat once I’ve got the all clear!💗💙



Oct 17 at 03:33 AM

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2 / 2

Thank you Marnie & MBody team and the G-Fam for keeping us going!
Week 38 with baby boy and getting to the mat makes me feel so good both physically and mentally!
Those in Italy,the pictures/videos on IG look fantastic have a great time and those at home,enjoy the challenge!
I’ve just done M45 /112 -wow it was sweaty but goodie!🤩
Lots of love to you all💗😘 xxx


Commented on M/<20 BARRE SWEAT /403

Aug 28 at 11:29 PM

Just did this class on playback this morning, it’s one of my favourite barre classes now! Brilliant for sore hips and sore lower back -pregnant mamas, it’s a must! I feel so stretched out and feather like (with a giant bump haha🙈)xxx
