Claudia M

Milan, Italy

Dec 03 at 12:37 PM

You are enough, you are much much more Beata!✨


Dec 03 at 12:36 PM

“You have the power to create change”

“We bend, so not break”

These mantras have held me together for the past two years and every day they keep being an inspiration.

They remind me to accept change but at the same time not to suffer it passively, to always try to be proactive and positive.

These days it is also my M/Body anniversary and if I look back at the past 24 months my heart is filled with gratitude. Not only I have an healthier and stronger body, but my heart is richer thanks to the wonderful people I have met on this journey and whom I hope to hug soon here in Italy.

To the special women who were already here in 2020, to all the others who joined later, to Marnie, to Danni, to the whole M/Body crew:




Nov 26 at 08:25 AM

Wow this is a true gift for the festive season. So helpful to let go every bad thoughts... Thank you Marnie!

Commented on M/<30 BARRE SWEAT /59

Nov 21 at 10:08 AM

I love coming back to the "old" classes: every time I experience different sensations. This workout has lots of barre moves, great to work on legs (and brain... combos are great to keep being focused)! 30 minutes to start the day with a boost of energy!

Nov 21 at 02:08 AM

Take care of yourself Jessica and allow your body to rest🤍

Nov 06 at 10:38 PM

Happy anniversary Whitney!

Nov 05 at 04:09 PM

Don’t know why but I cannot add my pics 😔


Nov 05 at 03:56 PM

Hi fam, happy Saturday!

I’ve been missing our live lately, but today I really felt the energy coming out from my screen and enjoyed every moment of that IRL class, as if I was there✨

I’ve also taken the time to reflect on my first board: I’ve completed 14 days out of 20. I’m not totally happy but I’d work on this feeling and try to be a little bit prouder of myself for reaching the mat even in an hectic month with work trips and hard days. I’ve tried to embrace the “letting go” theme and let go expectations and hard self judgement.

And I keep on trying to remember myself of always be in the light!


Nov 05 at 10:23 AM

The energy and joy from this IRL class will reach you, wherever you are (even across the Ocean !) And I love doing the signature class for the weekend, when I have all the time to be focused on moves and combos. Challenge tip: let Marnie's voice guide you during the 60 minutes, also when she's not in video, and you'll discover a new power :-)

Commented on Class Requests

Nov 01 at 11:08 AM

A Christmas themed class would be a gift and I quote Jesse's idea of a Nutcracker one! In general, I'd appreciate classes to keep our spirit and body up when the festive fatigue arrives...