Claudia M

Milan, Italy

Mar 11 at 12:42 PM

Lovely Beàta 🤍


Mar 11 at 11:34 AM

Thank you Marnie, thank you Fam!

I really felt all your energy reaching me here in Italy! Have a great weekend ✨


Commented on Today’s Live

Feb 08 at 09:35 AM

Hope everything is ok! Cannot wait to be with you tomorrow🤍


Feb 04 at 12:48 PM

Hi fam, Hi Marnie and Danni,

I’m so thankful to have been there with you all today!

The core sequence on the floor was not easy for my back… I’ll definetely come back to this class soon. And the final words touched my soul deeply. Could you share them here, please?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Fam, I’ve missed you on January (I’m always on the mat but a little bit silent) hope to reconnect quicky on February.




Dec 17 at 06:50 AM

So sorry to read it 😔 Hope you’ll have your accounts back soon!

Commented on Done!

Dec 13 at 11:55 AM

Congratulations Stephanie!

Dec 13 at 10:13 AM

I feel you Amanda 🤍 congratulations, you should be more than proud!


Dec 13 at 10:13 AM

This 5th challenge was my “private” one and definetely the hardest I’ve completed so far. The last months have been so hard both for my body and mind, so reaching 45days of workouts it’s a huge goal.

I’ve molded these boards to my needs, jumping from a day to another and choosing classes that fitted my schedule in a better way. Doing so, I’ve been completely true to me…

Today I’m still not in my better place but I’m deeply grateful for the spirit and energy M/Body, Marnie and the Fam give me, day after day.

Congratulations challengers!


Dec 07 at 11:09 PM

Sending you all my good thoughts Whitney 🤍

Commented on Fav Marnie Mantra

Dec 05 at 01:45 PM
