Amanda Schlitt

Redondo Beach, CA, United States

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /221

Sep 24 at 12:46 PM

Omg y’all, between last sundays IRL class and this one (plus the HOURS of m/body ball time in the last couple years), I fully popped my ball during abs. WHOOPS. Guess it’s time for a new one! 🤣 excellent class as always! 🔥

Sep 23 at 11:18 AM

My favorites do show up on desktop I just checked! It must be an app update thing! Not the end of the world obviously, glad they still exist somewhere 🤣


Sep 22 at 02:50 PM

Hi fam! Just real quick, I know the app was getting some updates, but did anyone else’s favorites list disappear? Or just me? 🤔


Sep 10 at 08:10 AM

Ahhh thank you!! Was so confused 😂


Sep 08 at 06:22 AM

Hi all! Just a quick question to the fam, is anyone’s download option no longer there for videos? Or is it just me? The app is updated, and maybe the team is already working on it but wanted to make sure I wasn’t crazy! (Well only in this once instance LOL) Love to you all! Hope my CA people are staying cool phew 🥵


Aug 31 at 04:45 PM

This was soooo good!! Highly recommend pairing it with one or two of the shorter classes! Today I did the m/>10 cardio to warm up followed by the m/>10 leg sculpt and then this and what a magical soup!! Obviously a beautiful class just on its own too but I enjoyed playing with combining some of the shorter classes! ❤️

Commented on Fur Fam

Aug 25 at 07:26 PM

Sending love to you, what a cutie!! ❤️


Aug 25 at 07:24 PM

I LOVE seeing all the fur babies on the community board! Shamelessly have to share mine too! This is my sweet baby angel Ruthie. She’s 2 years old, and for the last couple months been going through medical treatment for ITP (a blood platelet disease). Responding so well to treatment we’re all relieved! She loves to give kisses and lay near when I’m doing my m/body ❤️ note to all the fam with fur babies, highly recommend pet insurance! We use healthy paws and it’s truly been life saving! Ruthie wishes she could play with all the global fur fam!! ❤️❤️


Commented on Gaga

Aug 14 at 11:46 AM

May I also suggest after a Gaga class that a Katy Perry class might also be fun!! Really vibing these artist specific playlists!! I’m sure we could come up with a lot more ideas too, doesn’t have to be pop queens specific!

Commented on Gaga

Aug 08 at 03:33 PM