Amanda Schlitt

Redondo Beach, CA, United States


Dec 13 at 06:43 AM

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Happy end to the challenge fam! This is technically my 5th challenge, but this time I really allowed myself not to stay so rigid with it. In challenges past, I would double up, or even triple up (within reason) some days to catch up, but with the way life is lately, I listened to my body (and my heart) and decided on the days I got to do (no forcing here!). So here we are 46 completed days later, and I’m just as proud of myself for allowing the space I needed (for example Tuesday’s are my therapy days, and I’m usually too emotionally exhausted to move my body, so I skipped most Tuesday workouts).

If this challenge looked different for you, I see you, I’m with you, and I’m proud of you! This community is amazing, love to you all ❤️


Nov 24 at 10:43 AM

Peak planksgiving is doing this using canned cranberry sauce as weights LOL! We’re currently in mammoth for the holiday, gotta use what you have (which for me also included a pillow folded up and a ladder we found in the condo)!

Nov 19 at 09:26 AM

Sending you love Jessica! I’m right there with you, and I think as Marnie says sometimes, the most difficult challenge may actually be in slowing down! Listen to your body and making the challenge work for YOU ❤️

Commented on M/<20 ARM DANCE /140

Nov 11 at 10:42 AM

Just have to pop in here and say that yesterday I went to get my bi-valent booster, and my flu shot (one in each arm) and the nurse told me to make sure I move my arms around a lot to help with soreness. I said say less and did this one after and let me tell you, my arms are sore but I’d bet money they’d be worse off it I hadn’t done this! Quick arm burn, so good, highly recommend! (And hello from the fall 2022 challenge) :)


Nov 07 at 06:07 AM

In honor of our LA class drop, bringing you my favorite post class photo with our queen Marnie! Such a fun class and glad the whole global fam now get to enjoy it! Congrats to all the challengers who are working their way through the boards! Xoxo ❤️


Oct 30 at 12:51 PM

Immediate favorite!! I’m really digging these artist specific playlists! First Beyoncé, now Taylor! We gotta do a Gaga one, or a Katy Perry one, Rihanna too maybe?? So many options! The ball combos especially on the knees and during bridge had me shaking, so challenging but so good! ❤️

Commented on Swifties Unite

Oct 28 at 12:21 PM


Sep 25 at 10:10 AM

Send a screenshot to Danni!!

Sep 24 at 12:51 PM

Anymore* 😂

Sep 24 at 12:51 PM

Oops! I’m so sorry Danni I didn’t see this message in time. I went through and re-favorited from the favorites list I could still see on the desktop in my app so I have them all again! So I don’t have anything unusual to screenshot any