Amanda Schlitt

Redondo Beach, CA, United States


Jul 25 at 12:14 PM


New challenge alert?? LOL sorry I was doing some m/body abs today and struck with the urge to do the Charlie xcx apple dance. Harder than it looks 😂
Love y’all 🩷🍎



May 15 at 08:31 AM

  1. Not my best, but not my worst! Shout out to all me fellow educators who are crawling to summer break! 💗


Feb 09 at 06:12 AM

Pro-tip, can use fur-baby to support your head during final wide straddle stretch! 🩷LOVED this week’s ballet stretch! 🩰



Oct 29 at 12:08 PM

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Hi beautiful fam… it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve been able to jump back in (which worked out I guess since there haven’t been any new lives with the retreat happening! It looked so fun!). Last Saturday (10.21) I married my husband (!! still feels weird to say), and it was glorious and perfect. Small intimate backyard thang (highly recommend getting married with only your nearest and dearest, it was perfect, had only about 30 guests). My husband has taken a job in the South Pole (yes, Antarctica!) to work on a telescope. He will be there for a year, so I won’t see him until next November. We had our tearful goodbye today, a week after we got married. Anyways - my request for the fam is hit me with your favorites for low energy, healing heart flows. I’ve been so focused on the wedding and then spending every second possible with him, I haven’t been in a place (mental or physical) to hit the mat since before we got married. And I want to ease back into it! I know any of the low impact ones will work, but are there any y’all specifically love for when you’re feeling sad or heavy hearted? Let me know! Sending love to you all! ❤️



Aug 15 at 05:01 PM

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First of all, can I say how awesome it is to see everyone’s boards! I’m so impressed with everyone!
This challenge was a practice in being flexible for me. I didn’t complete nearly as many days as I usually do. As an educator, I had the summer off, and this year decided to spend it traveling to visit friends I hadn’t seen in a while for a good portion of it. My fiancé and I are also planning a little backyard wedding/elopement for October, and so I really had to challenge myself to accept that I wasn’t going to “finish” this challenge completing a full 60 days. Other things take priority sometimes, and that’s ok! I still made space for myself and completed what I could. For all my type-A over achievers, I just want to let you all know that I totally see you, and know how hard it is to “let go.” I’m proud of everyone here… made it to 42 days which overall ain’t bad! Sending everyone love, especially my educator friends headed back to the classroom! Here we go! ❤️



Aug 05 at 10:59 AM

Just had to share this little pic I snapped at the end of class today. Fur mini Ruthie came to join the stretch! Sending love to everyone this Saturday! ❤️



Jun 24 at 10:53 AM

Kisses to the fam!! For anyone who has the means, highly recommend switching a couple lightbulbs to those “smart bulbs” that can change colors! I think others have mentioned the same thing, but doing this has really elevated the vibe when working out ❤️ Plus, it’s fun to yell out to google “change to RED” when it’s time, LOL. Happy challenge to everyone and happy summer! Xoxo



Dec 13 at 06:43 AM

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Happy end to the challenge fam! This is technically my 5th challenge, but this time I really allowed myself not to stay so rigid with it. In challenges past, I would double up, or even triple up (within reason) some days to catch up, but with the way life is lately, I listened to my body (and my heart) and decided on the days I got to do (no forcing here!). So here we are 46 completed days later, and I’m just as proud of myself for allowing the space I needed (for example Tuesday’s are my therapy days, and I’m usually too emotionally exhausted to move my body, so I skipped most Tuesday workouts).

If this challenge looked different for you, I see you, I’m with you, and I’m proud of you! This community is amazing, love to you all ❤️



Nov 07 at 06:07 AM

In honor of our LA class drop, bringing you my favorite post class photo with our queen Marnie! Such a fun class and glad the whole global fam now get to enjoy it! Congrats to all the challengers who are working their way through the boards! Xoxo ❤️



Sep 22 at 02:50 PM

Hi fam! Just real quick, I know the app was getting some updates, but did anyone else’s favorites list disappear? Or just me? 🤔