Lauren Meyers

Oct 19 at 05:57 PM

She is beautiful and precious. 💕 Sending you love on this journey. No one is a better mama for her than you! 💕

Commented on M/<30 INNER THIGH /228

Oct 19 at 01:47 PM

This one helped me relax and made period cramps less painful! A very happy unexpected benefit!


Oct 18 at 12:33 PM

PPD/PPA Trigger warning

I am SO thankful for the last 2 years (!!) of being a part of the M/Body community. In the last year, I have struggled with postpartum anxiety & depression. Thanks to prayer, my in person community, therapy, and these amazing healing workouts and community, I am thankful to have made a ton of progress. But growth does not always happen in a straight line. This last weekend (day 2 of the challenge), we almost lost my one year old daughter - she choked and was unable to breathe for long enough that she had gone limp. We prayed, and thank God, she is alive and well. However, it has definitely set me back in my healing process. All this to say - I am SO thankful for this challenge and this healing space, as it truly is so helpful in my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing. And if you have struggled with PPD/PPA, you are not alone, and I have seen progress before & I know I will again, and you will too. Whatever life throws at us, I am grateful we are all here for each other. ♥️


Oct 14 at 07:09 AM

Came back to this one this morning - such a good one!

Sep 28 at 12:43 PM

The second I finished this one I was excited to do it again, lol! Love the 20 minute cardio classes! 💃🏻

Sep 21 at 12:54 PM

Loved this one!!


Sep 09 at 04:23 PM

Finally got a picture of my (one year old 🥲) mini with her 3 fur siblings on the mat! 🙌🏻 She has known marnie’s voice since she’s been in mommy’s tummy, and she always gets so happy & waves when she sees her! 😘 much love from our family to the global fam!


Commented on Fave Recovery Class???

Sep 08 at 04:37 PM

Thank you all for sharing your faves! 💕


Sep 06 at 11:33 AM

I loved the last m>20 hip opener so much that I’ve added it to my routine 3 times since it’s been uploaded lol! Which makes me curious - what’s everyone’s favorite recovery class on the platform? SO many good ones, this is just a recent favorite of mine!


Commented on Fur baby

Aug 27 at 09:49 AM

So precious!!!