Victoria Eon

That quote from Audre Lorde went straight onto a post-it!

Commented on Inspiration

Feb 21 at 05:48 PM

Exercising in bare feet has been transformative to say the least!
The ball series was 🔥🔥🔥 and the playlist was hotter! Uplifting, lighthearted, powerful and fun. Everything you expect from a signature sweat celebrating black artists

Feb 16 at 02:32 PM

The best of brain and body work. Perfect for anxiety busting and creating a calm neurological space

Commented on M/<45 SCULPT /153

Feb 05 at 03:10 PM

What do you do after cleaning up your physical space? You tidy up your mental/emotional space. This class and the meditation at the end were such a joyful release of pent up energy. What a way to ease into a new week 🙏🏻💕

Jan 31 at 04:47 PM

When I can do a 45 min during the week, it feels like such an accomplishment! Otherwise 30 min before work is more manageable.


Jan 08 at 12:44 PM

Day 7 already 💪🏻😘 I just completed M<45 Phenomenal Woman…and I forgot how much I love that class! Followed it by M<20 Letting Go of Anxiety Meditation, and completed my post it.

2023 is brimming with possibility. Can you feel it?!



Jan 08 at 12:37 PM

When Marnie introduced this mindshift during an earlier challenge, it transformed how I view daily movement. I work with people living with muscular dystrophies and ALS, so this mantra “I get to workout, I get to move” is particularly poignant.


Jan 02 at 01:52 PM

Completed Day 1 of the beginner’s 10-day challenge! Got my 32 oz of lemon water, a good breakfast full of veggies and protein and now snuggling with the wee dog, enjoying a new years fire (out with the old, in with the new) outside in Maine. There’s something spiritual and cleansing about casting your fears doubts from the old year and dreams for the new year into a fire.

Good luck to everyone who is new to the #mbodyglobalfam Welcome to this community. It’s been a place I draw strength and comfort from for the last 2+ years. You’re surrounded by wonderful spirit warriors here 💜


Commented on post was deleted

Jan 02 at 01:46 PM

A brilliant way to start the new year!