Victoria Eon


Apr 13 at 11:21 AM

Today’s live was a sweaty one 🥵incredibly challenging for mind and body but got me out of my funk. I can already feel the endorphins flowing. Wanted to remind everyone YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THE STORM ☔️whatever clouds linger overhead for you, This too shall pass! We embrace all the temporary discomfort on the mat, small bursts of bravery, for a long lasting benefit. Thank you fam!


Aug 17 at 06:31 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

When I set out on this challenge, I had big aspirations to do 60/60, but life is not that straightforward sometimes. Growth isnt linear. I had many unexpected work trips which cut into my energy and availability. But the guilt over those “missed workouts” did not outweigh the lake days, the slow mornings making brunch with family and working in the garden, and the many amazing reunions in my travels and met some #mbodyfam Laurie!! along the way. I can’t hide that I’m bummed in my performance but I’m trying to practice self compassion and gratitude. Tonight I made a pact with myself to redo the last 30 days at my own pace, to get back into a good rhythm and feel good in my body again like I did in the first half of the challenge. I’ll continue to lean on the love of this fam, and offer up my support to y’all as well ❤️ 26/60 was worth every second, every breath, every drop of sweat. Im so happy to be here ❤️



Jun 19 at 06:13 AM

Happy Day 3 challengers. This time around I have a laundry list of ideas or habits that aren’t serving me. This is the perfect time of year to shrug those off and usher in thoughts that better serve me. Some highlights: letting go of the fear of being alone, letting go of internalizing others’ stress/struggles and making it my burden (at home or mostly at work). Ushering in: taking a moment before I react (taking away the anxiety to respond immediately), commitment to be more present in the breathwork (not thinking of what’s next on my to-do list), seeking out more opportunities to be in the light for >10 minutes first thing in the morning, read more/scroll less.

My goals are simple (but not easy):

  1. Be consistent 2. Be present 3. Be patient with myself (the caterpillar did not become a butterfly overnight)


Jan 08 at 12:44 PM

Day 7 already 💪🏻😘 I just completed M<45 Phenomenal Woman…and I forgot how much I love that class! Followed it by M<20 Letting Go of Anxiety Meditation, and completed my post it.

2023 is brimming with possibility. Can you feel it?!



Jan 02 at 01:52 PM

Completed Day 1 of the beginner’s 10-day challenge! Got my 32 oz of lemon water, a good breakfast full of veggies and protein and now snuggling with the wee dog, enjoying a new years fire (out with the old, in with the new) outside in Maine. There’s something spiritual and cleansing about casting your fears doubts from the old year and dreams for the new year into a fire.

Good luck to everyone who is new to the #mbodyglobalfam Welcome to this community. It’s been a place I draw strength and comfort from for the last 2+ years. You’re surrounded by wonderful spirit warriors here 💜



Oct 15 at 12:40 PM

^^Before and after today’s live. Somebody will have to remind me how many challenges M/BODY online has had in the last 2.5 years. I’ve done them all in some capacity, taking what I need to my body. I reflect back on how much growth has happened since the very first challenge, both mentally and physically.

This challenge I want to work on being emotionally vulnerable and open to receive the light. I admire and respect for the ladies here who have shared the emotional release (laughing, crying, all the things) that have come through the workouts. I hope to have an ounce of your bravery.

Today was a beautiful warm fall day in Maine so I took my dedication and movement outside!

Goodluck to everyone! And remember that if starting the challenge today doesn’t serve you, that’s ok! It’ll always be there for you, at your own pace. ✌🏻💜