This is literally one of my favourite classes ever. Did it again and feeling so fresh and ready for my work day
Commented on M/<45 CARDIO CORE /255
Commented on M/<45 FULL BODY BURN /333
Commented on M/<45 STRONG BACK SOFT HEART /430
Commented on M/<45 NEW YEAR DETOX SWEAT /429
Commented on M/<60 HOLIDAY SIGNATURE /428
Replied on M/<45 FLOOR FLOW /426
Commented on M/<30 BARRE SWEAT /59
Commented on M/<20 ARMS + ABS
Commented on Hiiiii Global Family 🤗In today's live...
Feb 27 at 02:14 AM
My body needs more new choreo and moves in general as new moves keep my brain active and muscles stimulated. Cardio dances at the 45 min mark are my favourite classes as they get me up off my bum and blood pumping. I don’t get to sweat much otherwise. Would also love more abs targeted segments