Anahita Pradhan

Feb 27 at 02:14 AM

My body needs more new choreo and moves in general as new moves keep my brain active and muscles stimulated. Cardio dances at the 45 min mark are my favourite classes as they get me up off my bum and blood pumping. I don’t get to sweat much otherwise. Would also love more abs targeted segments


Commented on M/<45 CARDIO CORE /255

Feb 12 at 01:53 AM

This is literally one of my favourite classes ever. Did it again and feeling so fresh and ready for my work day

Feb 05 at 01:08 AM

I needed a bit of a different workout today and went back to this one. Absolutely delightful sweat and movement! Especially loved the abs bit. Please can we have more movement ball workouts, Marnie and Katelyn?



Jan 14 at 01:25 AM

LA Fam check-in 💙how are you all holding up? Share any pain or hope here and we are here to listen and support. We are all thinking of you xxx


Jan 14 at 01:22 AM

This was a beautiful workout which released all the tension in my shoulders, legs and back, but also got me working and pumping. It was truly active healing


Jan 07 at 12:36 AM

Hey - does anyone else have the bug where on the iphone app subtitles are non removable? Even though it says no captions? I’ve had this for a month or so now

Dec 22 at 01:12 PM

What a lovely end to the year! And delight to see Katelyn too!!!! Helloo sweet girl thanks for keeping us going this year


Dec 18 at 10:05 AM


Commented on M/<30 BARRE SWEAT /59

Nov 12 at 01:04 AM

Did this one again today and it was so refreshing. Just me and my moves before a hard day

Commented on M/<20 ARMS + ABS

Oct 22 at 01:12 AM

Marnie this was so so helpful to add onto 20 min or 30 mins. Please do more 10 min fiery abs 🙏🏽🙏🏽