Annie Kee

Jun 29 at 07:39 AM

Good for you!


Jun 26 at 07:10 PM

I was all set with my achievable goal this morning. I put a post it on my computer that said “do not check email after 6 PM.”

I didn’t even get home until after 6 PM tonight and I still had about 20 more minutes of work to do.

So instead of getting super frustrated and feeling down on myself, I just reset my goal. Now it’s “do not look at email after end of business day.” We’ll see how I do!


Commented on New challenge for me

Jun 23 at 12:47 PM

I haven’t dyed my hair since October of 2020 and my last hair cut got rid of all the old dyed hair. Embracing it!!!! Welcome to the natural hair club!


Jun 18 at 04:53 PM

I'm committing to doing at least 45 days! I'm taking a two week vacation during the challenge but I will sneak in the short workouts. 

Goal 1: Work toward plank on toes! (This came up in the live and I second!)

Goal 2: Integrate high impact options more often.

Goal 3: Pause to do breath work and/or journal 3-5 times per week.

I am also going to reduce my screen time and read more, especially before bed!


Commented on Relatable?

Jun 17 at 03:06 PM

I typically start and then come out of it to get water or stretch or wipe my sweaty face and then go back in! We’re moving which is the most important thing!

Commented on M/<20 ARMS + ABS /292

Jun 14 at 10:51 AM

Loved this! Was craving arms and abs today and feel great after. Also, it’s a sneaky sweaty one!

Replied on Movement balls

Jun 08 at 02:29 PM

I've been working with a deflated playground ball for a year. Not ideal!

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Jun 07 at 04:08 PM

I don’t gravitate towards a plank heavy workout but this one made me feel strong. Loved the flow and the new combos. Favorited!

Replied on Movement balls

Jun 04 at 08:30 AM

Oh my gosh you are so sweet to remember! Birthday is coming up! 6/23.


Jun 03 at 04:15 PM

Finally ordered the movement balls! My workouts are about to level up!