Annie Kee


Aug 15 at 02:17 PM

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2 / 2

Last challenge, I completed 49/60. This time, I beat it and did 50/60, even w no air conditioning, a 2 week vacation and a full time job!
But prioritizing movement has been the key to my mental health this year and I will continue to do so.
Grateful for this platform and how I always feel like $1,000,000 after the workouts.
See you soon for the live!


Aug 12 at 12:30 PM

Girl, I still take breaks, especially if my sleep has been off. But I always feel great by the end of the workouts. Also, my bill of health this year is the best it's been in a long time, and I credit Marnie with some of that for sure!


Aug 11 at 10:41 AM

Even with a 2 week vacation, during which I did some choice M/Body workouts, I reached my goal of 45 workouts today by doing the 8/2 Full Body Sweat workout. A new fave! Feeling so strong and excited to get to the end of the challenge! Let's go, challengers!!!ย 

Also, I realized I am coming up on a year of M/Body being the only exercise I do (aside from the occasional stretch). I feel stronger and healthier than ever.


Aug 11 at 10:37 AM

I had missed this live but caught up with it today. A new fave. It's amazing how a "sweat" class can make me feel SO STRONG!

Aug 09 at 05:23 PM

Loved this! I always love the healing hips workouts but this one also made me feel strong!

Jul 30 at 12:00 PM

Doing this late. Felt so good and strong! And sweaty!!

Jul 15 at 10:57 AM

This is an all time fave. I throw it on when I need to sweat and cry!

Jul 07 at 11:44 PM

I really really really didnโ€™t want to work out today. Iโ€™m feeling very tired and overwhelmed lately. But about 15 minutes into revisiting this workout, I thought โ€œIโ€™m so happy!โ€

Jul 05 at 11:28 AM

A super sweaty burner! It went so fast and made me feel so strong! A new fave!

Commented on M/<30 SWEAT /37

Jun 30 at 10:06 AM

This was TOUGH for me today but I feel so much better now. And strong!