Annie Kee


May 14 at 10:22 AM

I had to take almost a full week off due to a strained neck, then missed a couple during a busy week! 22/30 ain’t bad though!


Feb 27 at 01:13 PM

Can someone remind me how I can refer a friend so they can try out the free trial?



Aug 25 at 12:23 PM

This is probably the first week in about a year that I’ve missed so many workouts. I haven’t been able to squeeze in movement as much as I would like because of a crazy work schedule. I have been stretching and my job is active but I do feel some guilt and self judgement about it. I know that rest is also important but I am missing the feeling of release and accomplishment I get from my mbody workouts! I hope to be able to do a stretch video later today but also give myself permission not to. Will get my sweat in this weekend for sure! And hope to get back into a groove next week. Marnie’s voice is in my head that three workouts a week is the goal and I will just barely hit that tomorrow. I have to remember that I am always doing my best. I know y’all feel me.



Aug 15 at 02:17 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Last challenge, I completed 49/60. This time, I beat it and did 50/60, even w no air conditioning, a 2 week vacation and a full time job!
But prioritizing movement has been the key to my mental health this year and I will continue to do so.
Grateful for this platform and how I always feel like $1,000,000 after the workouts.
See you soon for the live!



Aug 11 at 10:41 AM

Even with a 2 week vacation, during which I did some choice M/Body workouts, I reached my goal of 45 workouts today by doing the 8/2 Full Body Sweat workout. A new fave! Feeling so strong and excited to get to the end of the challenge! Let's go, challengers!!! 

Also, I realized I am coming up on a year of M/Body being the only exercise I do (aside from the occasional stretch). I feel stronger and healthier than ever.



Jun 26 at 07:10 PM

I was all set with my achievable goal this morning. I put a post it on my computer that said “do not check email after 6 PM.”

I didn’t even get home until after 6 PM tonight and I still had about 20 more minutes of work to do.

So instead of getting super frustrated and feeling down on myself, I just reset my goal. Now it’s “do not look at email after end of business day.” We’ll see how I do!



Jun 18 at 04:53 PM

I'm committing to doing at least 45 days! I'm taking a two week vacation during the challenge but I will sneak in the short workouts. 

Goal 1: Work toward plank on toes! (This came up in the live and I second!)

Goal 2: Integrate high impact options more often.

Goal 3: Pause to do breath work and/or journal 3-5 times per week.

I am also going to reduce my screen time and read more, especially before bed!



Jun 03 at 04:15 PM

Finally ordered the movement balls! My workouts are about to level up!



May 20 at 11:14 AM

Got kicked off the mat a few times…and he wanted to be under me when I stretched at the bar. But he was a good cuddle buddy during the end stretch and I got lots of kisses during abs!



Apr 29 at 04:19 PM

I’m turning 40 in June and have been on a two year process in self-love and healing. (Actually this journey has been life-long, let’s be real.) This has included exercise (of course) but in the last few months I’ve explored some breath work and am returning to journaling.

Today, in anticipation of the live, I journaled about my body and my experience with M/Body. How healing the work has been, how aligned it is w my entire journey to self-love, down to the balancing of masculine and feminine energy and the protective circle of energy we make around ourselves at the end of each class. The workouts help clear and quiet my mind, make me feel strong, and are helping to heal decades of disconnect from my body.

I am working towards being excited about this new chapter. (Gulp.) Knowing I am going into it stronger, in part thanks to Marnie and M/Body.