Krista Greenblatt

Commented on Whoo hoo!!

Apr 27 at 09:54 AM

I will be joining, too!! Excited!

Commented on Waves

Apr 25 at 06:15 PM

I've been sidelined by an infection, too! I take it as a win that I've gotten so far, farther than ever before in a challenge, and hoping to start up again tomorrow after some days off to recover.

Commented on M/<45 SWEAT /95

Apr 22 at 04:25 PM

Loved the purple light!! I'm getting closer to being able to do all the moves. The curtsy move I catch myself doing around the house.

Apr 22 at 07:31 AM

A section just labeled "chronological" would be cool!! These workouts are also a little slice of history in my opinion!

Replied on New Rhythm

Apr 21 at 04:36 PM

Me, too. Working out even when I'm tired is important for my day.

Apr 21 at 10:15 AM

Yessss. Love Pokemon!! My favorite is Clefable.


Apr 21 at 10:15 AM

To my younger traumatized adoptee self: that biological connection, that yearning to see a family member who looks like you, you will finally have that. You will birth two babies and they will be everything you ever hoped. You will become a radio dj and you will have a large group of friends you see often. Keep dreaming. Keep going. Every step you take leads us here.

To my younger self just before the challenge: you CAN do this!! In just a few months you will marvel at your strength and flexibility and the start of abs showing.



Apr 20 at 08:12 PM

I made a dentist appointment! I didn't want to, I'm scared of the dentist and for years didn't have dental insurance but I have it now and I need it done. I'm going in on Monday. Really appreciated Marnie's words today about just showing up. Showing up at the dentist is enough.


Apr 20 at 06:29 PM

Did this one, enjoyed the extended graceful and strong sequence using the ballet barre.

Apr 20 at 05:33 PM

Oh so thankful there's no impact options