Kristin Lynch

Sep 10 at 12:20 PM

Ya’ll I did not want to workout today, I haven’t had time to come to the mat the past three days and it’s wild how quickly a pattern can form—so today, my day off, I didn’t want to even though my body so needed to move and stretch. My poor sweet husband is suffering with an abscess in his tooth that he can’t get treated until tomorrow and he encouraged me to do my workout because he stretched a little bit this morning and felt some relief and ughhhhh of course I’m so happy that I did, I feel so good. Thank you, Marnie and fam for safe spaces, safe movement and all the energy and love. <3


Aug 25 at 04:28 PM

Okay this was amazing, I needed this more yoga-like class so bad, thank you!

Aug 11 at 07:22 AM

My husband walked in while I was doing the warm up and said “ohh back-up dancer training class!” 😝🤩

Replied on Beach Week!

Aug 06 at 11:43 AM

We were at Pawley’s Island, SC!

Jul 26 at 06:36 AM

This was a great one, the choreo was red but slow and helped me stay conscious—also omg Marnie you look so fanciful and gorgeous in this black and white fit 🤍

Jul 20 at 07:26 AM

Okay that was so much fun! The last dance burst to Footloose had me SMILING 😃🤩

Commented on Kickin it

Jul 16 at 08:50 AM

This made me giggle, lol—love this!

Jun 21 at 07:33 AM

Okay but I was mesmerized by these glittery cerulean blue leggings 🤩

Commented on Relatable?

Jun 17 at 06:47 AM

I don’t think the point is to hit everything full out everytime, it’s hard sometimes to feel like you “should” be keeping up because Marnie is crushing it, but she would be the first one to tell you to listen to your body or modify! Sometimes on a last 4 sets of 8, I’ll do one set—drink a sip of water for the second and then jump back in for the last one or two sets, every day is different and all that matters is that you have fun with it and keep coming back to the mat in whatever capacity you are able to knowing the strength and endurance will build with time!

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Jun 08 at 06:08 AM

Holy arms!!!