Mali Perl

Jun 22 at 07:25 PM

Happy Birthday Linnea! Here’s what I’ve learned - this decade, more than any other, is about being exactly who you are. No apologies, no explanations. It’s liberating in ways I didn’t anticipate. Physically, I try to eat clean and well. Sleep is super important. Finding ways to destress and center (for me it’s meditation and walking). A big thing for me - don’t hold stuff in, it manifests in all the wrong ways. Wear the cutest stuff you own, don’t wait for special occasions. M/Body has been with me for 4 years now and it’s made me stronger than years of cardio, weights and Pilates. I wish my 25 year old self could have known how good my 40’s would look and feel. The number is one thing but the vibe? That’s all you baby!

May 20 at 02:11 PM

What a way to celebrate an anniversary! Since this coincides with my 4 year anniversary, here's 4 ways that M/Body has M/powered me:

Loving my body for being able to do all these moves (yes, even the planks).

Showing up for myself 4x week for 60 mins classes in cute fits that make everything more fun (yes, even the pushups).

The wisdom Marnie shares between all the four sets of 8's follow you off the mat and changes you.

In #40, the first Halloween class, Marnie said "no more compromise" and those 3 words have been transformational to my soul (and my booty).

Love to the whole fam!

Apr 22 at 02:06 PM

Moves on moves on moves! This class is perfect for the season - grounding us in the earth while challenging us to bloom.


Apr 13 at 06:42 PM

Hey Costanza! I like having a core group of go-to’s for each meal so that I choose from the “playlist” rather than have to make brand new decisions each day. For example, breakfast is eggs or sweet potato. Lunch is salad with chicken or with turkey and dinner is one of 10 options. Even the treats are from a “best of” list. That way, I don’t have decision fatigue or a sense of a good/bad food day bc all options are good. Hope this helps!

Apr 10 at 09:54 AM

Controversial take but would love a Zoom fundraiser. M/Body is such a community-oriented space and it would great to workout together for a cause - Glutes for Good!


Mar 11 at 01:18 PM

New merch idea: a muscle tee that says: "Beyonce, Cher, Tina, Marnie & Me"đź’Ş

Mar 07 at 06:44 PM


At peace, in my power, in my happy place.

Feb 26 at 10:11 AM

This class ignited my high school self and my booty!

Feb 06 at 07:20 PM

I created a word doc on my desktop with all my favorite classes. I write the class number and give it a name and put 3 screenshots of my favorite moves from the class. I also divided it between 60 and 45 minutes. When it’s time to pick my workout, a quick scroll and you’re ready to click.

Jan 29 at 04:29 PM

Warning: This class will change your life. Don’t call it a workout, it’s a spiritual experience with neon and The Bangles. Having a great day? Do this class. Having a tough day? Do this class. Worried that 60 mins is a big ask? DO THIS CLASS. There’s favorites and then there’s top 10 hall of fame. In the words of the great Tina Turner, it’s simply the best.
