Megan Higgins

Apr 02 at 02:49 PM

I love shaking things up with these Knockout classes! The punch combos are always so much fun! There’s something about throwing a strong uppercut that feels SO GOOD! I also loved the lunge move at around 32 minutes into class where you lift the back and front leg. Such a fun balance challenge!

Apr 01 at 07:31 PM

Thank you Faith!! I’ve been doing paper plates when I have them and they work great too!!

Apr 01 at 12:28 PM

Thank you Lindsey!!! This was so helpful! 😍

Mar 26 at 04:45 PM

Yay!! That’s so awesome Emily!!! I’m on day 7 and feeling good! I’m having some sugar cravings this evening and may go for some dark chocolate too!!

Commented on M/<30 ARM DANCE /360

Mar 26 at 12:23 PM

This arm dance worked everything in the arms!! I loved all the different angles, nothing felt over worked or fatigued, but every part of my arms feel like they got a great workout in! I also loved how balletic this arm dance was! Lots of fluid momvents! Loved the standing combo towards the middle that sweeper the leg front to back while moving the arms! So fun!

Mar 25 at 09:42 AM

This is a super fun and fast barre class!! No bouncing at all, focused on legs and glutes. The moves felt very lengthening! 

Mar 24 at 12:01 PM


Here are some classes that I saved as “Classes that kicked my 🍑”!

Mar 24 at 09:08 AM

This class is going on the favorites list! I love what Marnie said about doing this on different energy days, this class was made for you to decide how much to strengthen and how much to stretch! Such a wonderful mix of both. Absolutely no bouncing in this one and lots of longer sequences so you have time to learn the moves! 

Mar 22 at 02:43 PM

Sending lots of love to you Jess!! I know it’s not easy to open up and talk about how you’re struggling but thank you for sharing because it lets us know we’re not alone! I turned 30 this past year and it has by far been my hardest year yet! It’s helped me so much to hear from a lot of women that they’ve experienced this too!

To be honest it’s felt like every year my life was improving and working towards goals I had set then this year I just hit a plateau and had a lot of really low moments, with tons of anxiety! One thing that has gotten me through is reminding my self that how I’m feeling is not forever! While I may feel down today, this week or even for the whole month, things will shift and they’ll be high moments again!

I personally feel like 30 has been a hard year because the things that I thought I’ve been working towards and wanting out of my life are no longer necessarily things I want to peruse so it’s been hard accepting that I’m changing and accepting a new course. 💜

Mar 22 at 02:34 PM

I’m also trying to cut out processed sugar!! The longest I’ve gone is a month, but it was in the summer when the fruit is so good and easy to get!! I’ve been trying to have more sugar free days as we head into warmer weather! I check off the day on a calendar when I’m sugar free and it’s such a great visual to see that even though I’m not perfect I’m able to have more and more sugar free days!