Megan Higgins


Jun 02 at 10:20 AM

I just did the 10 year celebration class (which was incredible!) and Marine asked about something that has changed in our lives since starting M/body!
I have been doing M/body for over 4 years and THAT is a huge change for me! I’ve never really worked out consistently, I would go through phases where I’d work out for a month then stop for a long time.
M/body has made movement part of my life style! Hardly a day goes by that I don’t prioritize doing m/body, yoga, or walking and I’m so much healthier and happier for it!
Another change is, I never smiled, laughed, or cried tears of joy from a workout but M/body has made me feel those emotions and more!
Bigger changes have been the courage to completely change careers. I left my teaching position a few years ago to work for a small business and I know M/body gave me the courage to do this. It helped me to pay attention to what was bringing joy in my life and what was draining me of it.
Lastly, M/body has inpired me to take another leap and this fall I’ll be getting my Yoga teacher certification! M/body has made movement a centerpiece in my life and I want to share that love with others!!
Thank you Marnie for sharing your light and energy with us all! You’ve truly changed my life! 💜



Mar 30 at 12:08 PM

Gliders on carpet
Hey fam! Does anyone use the new M/body gliders on carpet? I wasn’t sure if they would only work on a hard surface. Thank you for the help!!



Sep 23 at 03:32 PM

Marnie’s talk about the coming months and class needs had me thinking about how amazing a Lymphatic system focused class would be!
Maybe like a 20-30 minute series where you walk through the lymphatic drainage massage from the other days class then do some shaking and moves that help promote drainage, and end with a legs up the wall meditation?!
Just a thought for a healing and restorative class as we move towards cooler weather and darker days!



Aug 15 at 04:16 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

I loved doing the challenge in the summer! 🥰My goal was 60/60 workouts, but I’ve had lower energy this past week so I respected and listened to my body and took some extra rest days and opted for some shorter classes so I’m coming in at 58/60! Congrats to everyone who worked towards their goals this summer!!! I can’t wait to go back to some of these new classes!! Last Saturday’s Detox sweat was one of my favs!!!



Jun 18 at 05:44 PM

I’m planning for the 60 days, but giving myself the freedom to mix days as needed! Here are my 3 goals that I will also work on during the challenge! M/body always helps to keep me aligned to these goals but I want to be more intentional about them over the next 60 days to set more intuitive habits!



Apr 12 at 09:55 AM

My new favorite Marnie quote from today’s live! My heart is lit up with joy from getting to play in the sunshine today with this amazing fam! This still from today’s workout just screamed recess to me! 😍



Apr 10 at 12:13 PM

Hey fam! I dropped my husband off at the airport this morning and he’ll be gone for a week! It always hurts to separate and I needed an extra pick me up and did one of my all time feel good classes: Arms and Back 157! All the heart opening makes for an amazingly joyful and feel good sweat!

I know I’ll be needing more feel good classes this week so I was wondering what’s your go to class when you’re in a funk, need some joy, or just know that’s it’s going to be one to make you smile if even for 20 minutes!

Thanks for sharing your recommendations!!



Dec 16 at 07:33 PM

So sorry to hear about your IG! I know that’s so frustrating! Here’s my board! Can’t wait to celebrate during the live tomorrow!



Dec 02 at 12:31 PM

I can’t wait to hear what Marnie, Danni, and the M/Body team have in the works! 😍



Oct 15 at 08:59 AM

Happy Saturday Fam! I’m SO excited for the challenge to start! Had to grab my ball and take an excited selfie!

I felt so much growth during the last one and am really excited for another journey!! Looking forward to chatting with some of you before the live too!!