Jenny Groener

Dec 19 at 05:47 PM


Dec 19 at 03:50 PM

Oh Tom Boy what a knock out sweat! Love the choreo! I needed to modify during the On all fours, one leg up, into down dog because of my temperamental big toes and it's something for me to play with in the future because it is such a great move! Marnie always stresses this and it absolutely true: No one should ever feel different or less or bad for modifying - we all need to move in our own way. Getting to the Mat is all that matters. Thank you for being such a wonderful Inspiration Marnie and all of the G-Fam. I feel you around me every day.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /49

Dec 18 at 10:57 AM

Great Workout!

Dec 18 at 06:19 AM

lols NicoleUK! Spot on!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /245

Dec 18 at 06:18 AM

Read Monique's review, do this for yourself and body, bask in the joy that is M/Body and getting to the mat!

Dec 16 at 09:50 AM

Excellent! So fun. Adding to favorites. Hated to miss the live and as always, felt all the love and gratitude through the screen!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /34

Dec 14 at 04:22 PM


Dec 13 at 10:04 AM

Agree with Emily P about setting up your clothes ahead of time! My space too if I can - or at least have the balls where I can see them. The most important thing is to not be too hard on yourself if you aren't able to do workouts every day. Make weekly goals and/or write down the classes (or other workout) you want to do. And also remember how good it feels when you exercise! That helps :)

Dec 13 at 09:57 AM

Next time I am copying your board idea for sure! xoxoxo


Dec 11 at 09:58 AM
