Jenny Groener

Aug 07 at 09:19 AM

Besides being a totally awesome sweaty way to spend 45-50 minutes of your day, it is an exceptional way to experience the joy and compassion and thoughtful existence of Marnie and M/Body. The messages at the end of this class will make your heart light up. 

Aug 06 at 07:27 AM

I just wanted to note that I am feeling my abs this morning as I am laughing (and moving and sitting), just as Marnie said we would. I love that.

Aug 05 at 09:56 AM

My experience revisiting this class merges Monique and Faith's comments: Boss level and going into it with a playful mindset. I think too, that you can get a lot out of this class without any props (if that helps). I'm really glad I did this one today and my fur nephews seemed to enjoy it too.

Aug 05 at 09:41 AM

Shoot! I need to find a young person to help me …

Commented on August Love

Aug 05 at 09:25 AM

Way to go JG!! ❤️❤️❤️

Aug 04 at 09:40 AM

Still so much fun!! On a hardwood floor today so I got to really get into the moves and sweated and danced all over the place. Another 'try this now please!' class for any newbies.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /250

Aug 03 at 06:50 AM

Excellent class - perfect for anyone new to M/Body and also for the old timers who sometimes need to revisit connecting to all of the moves we are so familiar with. A truly lovely way to start your day. (thank you for my song xo)

Aug 02 at 10:22 AM

This was really fun!! It was so nice to be back in a live with all my peeps!  I can't wait to try this again to retry the standing choreo (lol I did my best). The 30 minutes was challenging and sweaty and full body in a really nice way. I also really liked being able to work on my balance and posture during the floor work during all of the reps.  Felt very classic studio days type of floor work. Thanks M!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /237

Aug 01 at 08:18 AM

Another awesome Signature m<60! I say this because it's true. I mean really, all of the classes are awesome. I have moments, often, especially during a challenge, where I'm like another <60? so many <60s! Ha Ha Ha! I just remember when the only classes were 60s and I dive right in and love every minute. Just do them and you'll thank yourself later. xo

Jul 31 at 05:07 PM

Highly recommend!! Who wouldn't want low impact and all the m/body impact?! Sweaty and lovely. Try this please. And every time I do this class I'm so extra grateful for Marnie and the M/Body crew who make these classes possible - all the hard work and sweat and tears - and bringing us all together. Awesome.