
Los Angeles, CA, United States


Jan 04 at 01:00 PM

There’s a lot of talk about what’s possible in 2023 & I love that…that being said, it’s just as important (if not more) is to be reminded of all the ways you are already AMAZING!!! Today’s bonus activity is all about acknowledging and celebrating the unique loveliness that is YOU right now. Write down 3 things (at least) that make you wonderful on a post-it and put it in a place you can see every single day. I attached a pic to this post as inspo. If you feel like sharing here too I’d LOVE to see it!

Today’s LIVE class gave me life! I loved being back on the mat with all of you so much!!! Can’t wait for our next one on Saturday. Hope to ‘see’ you there!

Love, Marnie xo


Commented on post was deleted

Jan 02 at 08:02 PM

That’s how it happened for me too! Once I started doing it on the regular years ago it became something I craved! Now it’s a ‘non-negotiable’ in my day 🍋

Replied on post was deleted

Jan 02 at 08:01 PM

Hi Melody! So excited you’re here! I love this question because what we put into our bodies is as important as how we moved them. Our philosophy is really to focus on how to get more nutrients in our bodies rather than what to keep out. Things like tons of water, veggies, lean protein & simple ingredient foods. Most of all, eating things that actually make us feel good/energized. I personally feel better with less carbs but it’s all about exploring what makes you feel your best! I hope that helps answer your question (not just rambling😂). I’m also going to be sharing activities everyday to support nutrition and mental health! Xoxo

Commented on Starting

Jan 02 at 12:25 PM

So happy you’re here!!!

Nov 15 at 07:26 AM

I LOVE seeing where everyone is from. Thank you for commenting!

Commented on Piriformis Syndrom

Sep 28 at 09:20 AM

I got this angel! We’ll talk about it today!!!

Sep 21 at 04:53 PM

Yay!!! I’m so happy you liked it. Felt so good all day after doing this class.

Sep 14 at 11:29 AM

Logan! I’m sorry that I’m only seeing this now! I’m so happy you’re here!!! Come say hi on the community board and always let us know if you ever need anything. Xoxo

Commented on Nice to meet you!

Sep 14 at 11:27 AM

Hi sweet Mayo!!! Please forgive my terrible name pronunciation in the LIVE today. I was soooo happy when I saw you there. Sending love! Let us know if you need anything at all!

Commented on iPhone update

Sep 14 at 11:24 AM

Soooo good!!!☺️