
It's SO HARD a lot of days! But I think I'm slowly getting better at it!

Aaawwwww, yay! Thank you 🤗

Thanks! I love the modifications

Thank yooouuu


We all need recovery days! I'd maybe do a day or two of M/Body and then give yourself a rest day and see how you're doing before leaping back into it!


18 Feb 13:56

Did the recent ballet sculpt class and felt pleasantly worked over and not toxically tired. Yay progress! Still going to slowly work back up to 4 times a week like I originally wanted, but constantly reminding myself to PACE MYSELF and not overdo it has really helped. Being shown alternatives to moves really also helps with the misplaced guilt coming from going my pace instead of the Most Pace! So thank you!


18 Feb 13:51

I love these cpasses in particular because they're fiddly without being frustrating. Thank you 🤗

30 Jan 14:47

Sweated SO much in this class and felt pleasantly wrung out. Yay!

It's so nice! I'll have to scale up slowly but any progress is good progress!

Thank you!