

Feb 06 at 02:49 PM

I'm nervously anticipating Marnie's use of sliders starting in a couple weeks. I already have them from barre classes I took before and they can be amazing for your abs and...well, everything, really! Who else is excited?



Jan 22 at 07:53 PM

Anybody else deal with a leg disparity or flat feet? Am curious how yall modify for them while working out. My feet are getting stronger which is helping my hella low arches, but they still ache for some of the moves. And I do use a pad for my shorter leg to stand on but not gonna lie, my shorter side is still stiffer compared to my longer side. Do yall worry about muscle developing differently on either side, and how do you adjust? Am curious to hear your experience. Thanks!



Jan 10 at 05:33 AM

For Marnie's flow class tomorrow, am curious what to pair it with for a workout? I don't know how intense her recovery flow sessions are. Was thinking one of her 30 minute vids? Or would one of the 20 min bids be better? What are y'all's thoughts?



Dec 22 at 01:53 PM

Does anybody else feel encouraged seeing Marnie sweating during the sessions with us? It makes me feel like we're both struggling and sucveeding together! Lol ๐Ÿ˜†

(No joke I sweat so much during these it's honestly horrifying but hey, that means I'm getting a good workout!)



Dec 20 at 10:35 AM

Hello! Just joined M/Body today and I'm really excited to try my first workout here. I did barre for a few years, pilates and bodyweight hiit, so I'm really hopeful since it seems like these sessions fuse a lot of different styles together. Glad to be here ๐Ÿ˜Š