
Zurich, Switzerland

Commented on Questions ๐Ÿ’ญ

Aug 20 at 02:49 AM

I feel you, I have had issues with being able to manage my weight and it can be rather disheartening.

Something that really changed the game for me was finding a nutrinionist, who helped me understand how my metabolism works, what was missing in my diet/what wasn't serving my body.

What ended up really working was changing the macronutrients portions (I totally agree with the others: proteins, proteins, proteins!) and when to eat (which helps in better managing insulin levels).ย 

If it is a possibility for you, finding a nutrinionist could give you a deep knowledge of your own body, which is of course different from anyone else's.ย 

I could also recommend listening to Tom Herbert/the useful coach: he is a climbing nutritionist who often talks about how to gain muscle mass, or even how maintaining the exact same caloric intake but changing the macronutrients can make one lose/gain weight within days.

Commented on Challenge & Gratitude

Aug 14 at 11:50 PM

Thank you so much for the kind messages, you are all so warm and welcoming, what an awesome community!!


Aug 14 at 01:44 AM

Hi All,

I've been doing the M/Body workouts for a while now but I've never posted here, so hi! I'm Marta, originally from Italy, currently living in Zรผrich, Switzerland.

I joined the Summer of Strong challenge and yesterday I've completed it :) completing the final workout was a beautiful moment that filled me with joy and pride, I even teared up during the reverence.

I had a rather tough year: from burnout to sexual harassment and battling systemic sexism, I felt absolutely powerless. The Summer of Strong challenge reminded me daily that I am strong, I am powerful, I am resilient, I am rooted in myself and no one can ever take this away from me. Thank you Marnie for your incredible positivity and for creating a revitalising challenge, I will be forever grateful ๐Ÿ™