

Apr 17 at 12:50 PM

Added challenge is being quizzed about Pokémon characters your child drew while you’re getting your M/Body workout “me time” in. Whew! 🤪😂💪🎨 (I don’t post about Eli on IG, but he is often in the background and sometimes trying the choreography and cool down stretches with me).



Apr 16 at 06:38 PM

This was difficult to pick! Today’s answer is M/ <45 90s Hip Hop Sweat 47 (because that playlist carried me through) and M/<45 Ballet Sculpt & Stretch (as the class flew by and I yearn for more of that poetic, ballet grace and hope to make progress in my ability to do leg stretches at the barre with a straight leg).

I try to comment under each video I do, but by the end of class I am a sweaty ball of love and gratitude for the experience. Will try to hone in on writing specifics in my comments for those who are picking a class based on what they read. And for those who post about some of their fav go-to classes on social media, pls know I am thankful and taking notes for inspiration on which classes to try next when the challenge is over.



Apr 10 at 05:46 AM

I made a public Insta account to connect about M/Body, but I don’t want to post anything about my kiddo on there, so here is my journaling for today’s Wellness Activity.



Apr 03 at 01:53 PM

Cheers to 30 days in with 30 days remaining to my fellow Spring Challengers! I’m on the volunteer committee at my son’s preschool and coordinated w/ a local organization on a project. This morning I collected 35 casseroles/lasagnas to deliver to the local soup kitchen, which feeds 80+ food insecure people a day. I was excited excited to have that much participation! And tonight I will catch up on the Wellness activity from 4/1, which gives me a reason to use this epsom salt/sea salt blend in a warm bath. I do “bathtime” nightly as a mom, and yet I cannot recall the last time I was the one soaking in the tub. 🛀

On an unrelated note- I heard the throwback “1 Thing” from Amerie last night while making casseroles and thought it would be a fun song for a class (once we catch the beat). 😊



Apr 02 at 11:28 AM

One of the most beautiful things I am lucky to see every day is the array of colors in my child’s eyes.



Apr 01 at 06:20 AM

Happy April, happy almost weekend, happy almost halfway through the Spring Challenge!! I’m glad there is a scheduled rest day on April 3rd and I honor everyone who needs a Mary J. Blige moment all day. So important to listen to our bodies as many of us have already said! Sunday April 3rd happens to be International Good Deeds Day, so if anyone had any energy left it’s a fabulous time to volunteer or mindfully do some good within your local or global community. I have felt the kindness and support given to me and others by you all on a regular basis here, and this truly is a global community, and that is beautiful and impactful. I imagine you all already put so much love and kindness into the world, so maybe every day is a Good Deeds Day. 💗 Hope your upcoming Sunday is nourishing through rest or action- whatever you need to continue showing up powerfully and gracefully.



Mar 29 at 01:03 PM

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized I can dig deep. I can push through when I need to even if I’m exhausted. I can tap into reserves of love and compassion when I’m focused on that goal. I’m internally much stronger than I ever thought I was, even though I’ve always been sensitive.

And I can find something likable or that I can respect within almost every single person I meet and work with.



Mar 26 at 09:16 AM

Today I’m releasing the need to please others; to be what others expect or want me to be when it does not align with who I am or what I need. Sometimes this is based on the desire to please others or impress them, and other times it is based on others expecting me to be whatever version of myself from the past which no longer matches who I am today or the direction I’m heading. My sense of self is not determined by the perspective, framework, or acceptance of others.



Mar 24 at 10:03 AM

The pic of my first board didn’t stay when I made my last post.



Mar 24 at 07:37 AM

I’m proud and excited about completing the first board of the Spring Challenge! Ready for the next third tomorrow. I’m not new to barre, but I’m newer to M/Body and absolutely LOVE it.

When talking about the many benefits of this program, one thing that doesn’t get talked about as much is working ALL of your muscles is noticeable… in the bedroom. My situation is being w/ the same partner for what feels like forever and delivering a giant baby 5 years ago, and I am well aware of the increased strength I have (hey pelvic floor!) that benefits both of us. Barre has helped this, but I can notice even more benefits since starting M/Body a few weeks ago. Because our muscles are universal, I know this benefits anyone consistently doing these workouts even if your pelvic floor never took a hit.

Whoomp There It Is!! (For anyone who remembers Jock Jams from the 90s)🙌 😂🤷‍♀️