

Dec 03 at 08:37 AM

For the Wellness activity today, Iā€™m choosing two of the MANY favorite affirmations/mantras Iā€™ve heard in M/BODY classes. This activity is not limited to Marnie mantras, but thatā€™s what Iā€™m posting today. šŸ™‚

ā€œInhale what heals, exhale what hurts.ā€

171: ā€œAnd I think itā€™s brave. I think itā€™s brave that in that space you get up in the morning. Even when your heart aches, even when life is messy and you donā€™t feel like being this soft for the world. And I think itā€™s brave that you continue to love, and express, and open your soul despite the way you were treated in moments in the past. And I think itā€™s brave that you keep going, that you keep believing in something more, something bigger. Even when you may not know what youā€™re hoping for yet. And I think itā€™s brave that you fight, you fight for whatā€™s right. I think itā€™s brave that you choose every single day to move forward, because THAT is what makes you strong.ā€



Nov 12 at 09:07 AM

A Wellness Activity for the first Challenge Board reminded me to schedule my annual mammogram. Iā€™m not 40 yet (and was too young for a pager), but there is power in knowing family history and I had my brief squishing today. Screenings are SO important- please consider getting to know your baselines and keeping up with recommended screenings. We can do uncomfortable things, especially when theyā€™re brief. šŸ’ŖšŸ„ž



Nov 05 at 03:07 PM

Day 22: IRL video drop (looooove the energy!! Highly recommend you take the adventure/trip to do an in-person class if ever possible!). Sweaty selfie with a silly face b/cā€¦. itā€™s a sweaty selfie. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’¦



Oct 20 at 08:52 AM

Day 6 Wellness Activity of basking in sunlightā€¦ sad a sick pine tree was cut down this week in my small yard, so attempting to catch up on work paperwork from the sunny tree stump before my next client. Grateful for work from home days as my office doesnā€™t have a window.



Oct 15 at 01:08 PM

Hiii everyone! Iā€™m Monique from Maryland. Hereā€™s a shiny selfie after Day 1ā€™s Live class. So grateful for this community ā¤ļø Looking forward to my 2nd M/BODY Challenge to anchor into as some significant transitions are happening. Cheering everyone on through the big and small challenges and achievements! Jumping ahead to Day 2ā€™s Wellness Activity of 3 goals in comment below:



Sep 18 at 04:37 PM

I am SO happy for all of those who could be in the IRL class in LA today!! For those who were Barre Belles in the before times, for those who have been doing M/BODY online, and for anyone who blessedly stumbled upon that studio class opportunity. It is such a special energy, and Iā€™m glad a few of the fam could be there (and I am holding onto Hope for the many who havenā€™t had an IRL experience yet, because opportunities will arise). Post all your pics please! (I wasnā€™t in LA but I am still incredibly grateful for the NYC experience this past June).



May 22 at 09:39 AM

I donā€™t post my kiddo on my public IG but I am one proud momma! Today my 5.5 year old finished his second 5k AND he earned third place for boys under age 12! Eli kept a great pace even after skinning his knee, and he was so determined. When he said he was tired or was expressing frustration or doubts he could do it, I was reminding him we need water breaks and we can adjust the pace, and quoting Marnieā€™s mantras of ā€œwe can do hard thingsā€ and ā€œas long as weā€™re going in the right direction it doesnā€™t matter how fast or slow we are going.ā€ For a competitive racer that wouldnā€™t apply, but for our purposes itā€™s perfect. I like modeling and engaging him in healthy habits, and even though I still donā€™t like running Iā€™ll always run for a cause (today was pancreatic cancer). Iā€™m sharing as Iā€™m proud of him AND b/c M/BODY influences me on and off the mat (and trickles down to my little one).



May 03 at 08:46 PM

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This was my first M/BODY Challenge and felt like the perfect way to dive deep into these workouts, the affirmations/meditations, and connect w/ this beautiful community of support. I posted a long AF love letter about it on Instagram, but I am proud of observing physical improvements (in form, endurance, and some flexibility) and mental shifts (more playful & curious and less frustrated & impatient with my journey). Embracing not numbing out and progress not perfection. Grateful for this experience, and so proud of anyone who makes the choice to show up at the mat or honors the message to do something else, like rest, when that is needed.



Apr 30 at 03:37 PM

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I want to create something more aligned with art, but given schedules Iā€™m counting creating a beautiful Spring space on my side deck last weekend as my creative venture. Iā€™m also throwing in tonightā€™s dinner as I mixed up seasonings for creating a quesadilla for my vegetarian self (black bean/spinach/broccoli, onion/bell peppers, cheese & tortilla) while also creating a regular chicken quesadilla for my husband, and a seasoned-but-not-spicy-with-the-right-tortilla for my son as my Wellness activity for Day 53. Finished quesadillas not pictured b/c I needed everyone out of my kitchen and then we all focused on eating- but they were yummy. šŸ˜Š



Apr 23 at 11:43 AM

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Here is what doing a Live w/ a silly little love circling around you can look likeā€¦. A sweaty face, mustache, and lack of makeup. Reminds me ALL of us have things going on around us (or within us) that can be so chaotic and makes it challenging to get to the mat, or continue with the whole workout while distractions are happening. Like having fake facial hair put on you after your stretches. Rooting you all on every single time you show up, whether you are able to do all the jumps or whether you are dragging through it- youā€™re here and that deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated. Excuse me while I shaveā€¦