
Oct 20 at 03:42 PM

Look at those happy newlyweds ❤️❤️

Oct 20 at 03:41 PM

(2/2) Know the flight is temporary. Know you have a bunch of us holding you in our thoughts. Know we cannot overcome fears until we feel them. Can’t be brave unless we’re scared. You f’ing got this and I am so proud of you for booking that flight. You’re in my mind and I am taking some deep breaths with you, to keep it regulated. Book? Music? Anything that can steady you through it. It’s ok to be fearful through it, but remind yourself you are in the light and you are safe. Thank goodness the trained experts are the ones flying. Sending you strength, while I admire your own.

Oct 20 at 03:40 PM

Amanda you’re doing the right steps already and “speaking” about the fear and acknowledging it helps see it and helps you move through it. You already know the connection of fear is grief-based and the multitude of emotions that can come with a funeral. That experience was an outlier but a powerful one. You already know that breath work helps regulate your whole system. Thank those internal alarms for wanting to keep you safe, and remind them they are activated by the emotion, not the event itself. What’s your data to review? History of flights? Generally all safe… sometimes turbulence or discomfort, but never unsafe. That’s reliable data to review. (1/2)

Oct 20 at 08:53 AM

Sending you love especially as you work through the multiple losses and grief with a parent suffering from dementia. That’s so heavy. ❤️

Commented on Back on the mat

Oct 20 at 08:45 AM

Yaaay momma! Please be patient with yourself as your acclimate to old exercises in a new physical phase. You’ve got this- and it may be different- but that’s okay!

Commented on Hi! Crisper issue

Oct 20 at 08:38 AM

I don’t have a specific answer, but if you eat what makes you feel good after, and not just during, that may help guide you through and clarify how to continue working on your specific goal. Goals are a direction to head in, doesn’t mean we always get it “right” along the way. ❤️

Commented on Thankful

Oct 20 at 08:35 AM

So glad everyone is okay and made it through, although what a terrible experience to endure! Keep MOVING your body to help release that stored up terror, and taking care of your health in all forms. Motherhood can be the toughest hood to live in, even though it’s “worth it.” Duality is a beast.

Oct 20 at 08:30 AM

Oh sweet Sophie!! You are so wise to take some time to process as you step into this role as a very special momma to a very special soul. She is a gorgeous little Light and I am glad to share this world with her and that she chose you to be her mother. She knew you would be the perfect mix of strength and love and support. I hope YOU are connecting with support in all the fields around you; medical, friendship, community. Let us know how we can support you in keeping your vitality and mental health raised, so you can continue to do the important, hard, and beautiful work. 💕

Commented on M/<30 INNER THIGH /228

Oct 20 at 04:47 AM

This class awakened inner thigh muscles that I didn’t know I had. I kept thinking of the 1990s Pierce Bronsan James Bond movies w/ the Bond girl who crushed people w/ her thighs- I’m pretty sure this class was part of her workout. Just saying, it’s powerful! 😂
Have fun! They will post the second board with days 21-40 usually a few days before hand, and then they will post the third and final board (or calendar grid) of days 41-60 when day 41 gets closer. Those boards are posted on app as a “resource” with the Challenge information, as well as on M/BODY Facebook group and M/BODY’s Instagram stories. The wellness activities listed daily are great to do- if you do both the workout AND the wellness activity, mark both off so M/BODY can see that when you post your “completed” board pictures (remembering that completed does not mean every single item must be done, although some people are aiming to do all 60 workouts and all 60 wellness activities). ❤️❤️