March 01, 2023

G-Peeps, I really appreciated have a little help from Marnie and M/Body crew with this past month's guide. It reminded me of when we were helping each other with tips to get motivated a few months ago: setting up your space, laying out your clothes ahead of time, little things that can help. Having a guide was so motivating for me.ย  My stats for last month per week: 6 classes, 2.5 lemon water gulping, 5 days a week adding a veg to B/L/D, deep breaths 7 days a week and showing kindness to others and self 7 days a week. I hope the G/Fam had fun with this one too. I was never a good student, but I seem to have grown into one over the last 9 years of working with Marnie! lols. I actually chug 8 oz of water every morning.. so I just need to work up to 24.ย  xo