
Jun 26 at 03:41 PM

❤️ ❤️❤️

Commented on Hello again! 🌷

Jun 26 at 03:40 PM

Yaaaaay you’re here!!! ❤️

Commented on Goals

Jun 26 at 03:39 PM

Beautiful and powerful, I hope this transformation helps you see that within yourself too. 💗

Commented on Hi fam, goals for me

Jun 26 at 03:37 PM

I’ve seen you tending to this and more… always proud of you Soul Sister 💗

Commented on summer challenge

Jun 26 at 03:35 PM

Supporting you all the way, Rochelle. Reflecting back to you all the love you give others ❤️

Commented on Summer Of Strong Goals

Jun 26 at 03:34 PM

Your dedication to your growth, and your journey in general, is beautiful. So very glad to have “met” you through M/BODY sweet Kady! ❤️

Commented on Summer Challenge goals

Jun 26 at 03:13 PM

I welcome and honor your strength and grace, within a Challenge and beyond.

Jun 26 at 03:11 PM

I am so very grateful to share this space with you, Poala. ❤️

Jun 26 at 03:09 PM

You are amazing, Mayo!! Cheers and deep breaths to you in this epic adventure and expansion!

Jun 24 at 02:08 PM

Whew! This 45 minute class had me sweating and shaking (especially the floor series) - I love how Marnie said the shaking is the smaller accessory muscles awakening and "they're excited, that's why they're shaking!" One of my favorite moves is the weight behind our knee, which I was happy to do today but it was an extra challenge given how slippery I was. Returning to this class for the remixes on some classic Signature moves.
